Let everything rot

Observatorio Argentino
12 min readJun 1, 2024


Newsletter 5–2024

Myrna Insua / Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche (Argentine): photo exhibit and roundtable, Maison de l’Île de France, 23–24 de mayo de 2024

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While President Milei continues his publicly funded self-promotion tours in global far-right forums, provoking diplomatic crises with Spain, Colombia, Brazil, China and other countries, on the local scene the consequences of the “libertarian” mega-adjustment continue to worsen. Manufacturing production has plummeted by 21.2 percent compared to the previous year, a figure equivalent only to the lockdown period during the Covid-19 pandemic. The poverty rate for the first quarter of 2024 remains at 55 percent, reaching 60% in child poverty — the highest number in more than twenty years. Faced with this scenario, the government has toughened repression towards social movements: last month, at the request of the Ministry of Security led by human rights denialist Patricia Bullrich, 27 community kitchens were raided as well as the homes of social leaders and leftist party offices, under accusations of “extortion” based on anonymous complaints. At the same time, and after months of denials by the government of a complaint by social leader Juan Grabois, it was confirmed that the Ministry of Human Capital led by Sandra Pettovello since Milei took office stopped delivering almost six million kilos of food acquired during the previous government from the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) to the soup kitchens, part of which are close to or past their expiration date. Despite having been ordered in court to present a delivery plan within 72 hours, the government has not yet taken any action, citing the need to conduct audits “to prevent food from being stolen.” For the “libertarian” government, before delivering food to the needy, it is apparently better for everything to rot.

Science, education and culture

Dismantling of the National Institute for Industrial Technology (INTI)

The crisis deepens in Argentina’s scientific-technological sector. After the degradation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Nation, the paralysis of the R&D&i Agency and the CNEA, and the dismissal of hundreds of workers from CONICET and other organizations, the national government has now announced the dismissal of 30% of INTI employees, representing around 900 people. In turn, the administration stated its plan to carry out a 30% reduction in the organization’s operating structure.

On May 31, Daniel Afione, former director of Toyota Argentina and current head of INTI, announced to the Regional Deputy Managers that the Secretary of Industry decided to proceed with the closure of all provincial headquarters that do not have a laboratory, including those of San Martín de los Andes. (Neuquén); Viedma, San Carlos de Bariloche and Villa Regina (Río Negro), Puerto Madryn and Esquel (Chubut), and the only 2 headquarters in Río Gallegos (Santa Cruz), and Río Grande (Tierra del Fuego), directly affecting the provision of services. technological services and affecting at least 28 agents and their families out of a total of 75 in the region. In the provinces of Córdoba, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe, other offices will be closing, the same as in the NOA and NEA regions. From this decision, many technologists will have to travel around 300 km or more, each day, to be able to attend their jobs, if they do not do so they will dismissed.

RAICYT responds to declarations from CONICET president

RAICYT has denied the statements of Dr. Daniel Salomone, current president of the state funding agency CONICET, published in INFOBAE in which he states that “the execution of the CONICET 2024 budget is guaranteed and that it is not true that we are going to defund or reduce it.” The RAICYT document highlights, among others, that to date (05/22/2024), “what has been executed by the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology does not reach 2% of its annual budget, which, on the other hand, does not “It has been updated with respect to the year 2023, despite the interannual inflation of 280%.” Given the year-on-year inflation (280%), the amounts transferred to research institutes and centers have been liquidated, while budget underexecution seriously affects the functioning of the scientific and technological system.

In an opinion piece, prominent scientists Alberto Kornblitt and Adrián Paenza lamented that President Milei represents the worst of Argentina, standing out among others for his arrogance, arbitrariness and egoism in addition to being a liar, quarrelsome and vulgar. He is one of those Argentineans who, like Representative Lemoine, appointed secretary of the Science and Technology Commission of the Chamber of Deputies (see note below), does not insult or shout, the purpose of his administration being to attack science.

The ”Ley Bases”

The Network of Authorities of Science and Technology Institutes (RAICYT) issued a document in which it highlights the articles of the Bases Law, at the point of being approved by Congress, that put the Science and Technology system at risk. The group also published part of the presentations of representatives of the scientific system before the plenary session of Senate committees where the project promoted by the government of Javier Milei is being debated. The specialists warned about the articles that would allow the Executive Branch to liquidate national science and technology organizations or reform them “to the point of emptying them of meaning.”

Representative Lilia Lemoine was appointed Secretary of the Science, Technology and Productive Innovation Commission of the Chamber of Deputies. The designation was questioned by scientists at RAICYT, who stated that this position should be filled by suitable people, committed to the scientific and technical development of the country. They also mentioned that the representative publicly reviled science without foundation, based on flat-earther and anti-vaccine statements. Indeed, after her appointment, both the press and social networks circulated a series of videos in which the representative is seen spreading conspiracy theories, condemning governments that hide the fact that the earth is flat or commenting on ways of testing CODID 19 without knowledge or scientific foundation.

The Trade Union Front of National Universities (FSUN) called for a national strike for May 23, 2023. One month after the Federal University March in defense of public education and universities, the FSUN considered that the Government did not respond to the demands of university students regarding the budget, salaries and scholarships. So far the government has reinforced the allocations for operating expenses of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and the six teaching hospitals that depend on the UBA. The other national universities did not receive reinforcements, they denounce discrimination and demand that the national government recognize the requests of all the universities in the country.

Dismantling of the National Scientific System

The dismantling of the former Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MinCyT) threatens the continuity of binational projects, such as those financed by the Ecos-Sud program, created in 1997 to promote research between groups from Argentina and France. Jorge Montanari, researcher at CONICET, related the difficulties in accessing this international program due to the interruption of support from the MinCyT after the inauguration of the new government of Javier Milei. Despite multiple attempts at communication and the presentation of a joint letter by the project directors, they did not receive clear answers regarding the continuity of the program. Finally, thanks to the cooperation of the French counterpart, Montanari managed to allow his intern to travel to Paris to continue with the project.

National Commission of Nuclear Energy

The government has accepted the resignation of Adriana Serquis, head of the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA). Serquis denounced the lack of funds for key projects such as the Carem and RA-10 reactors, as well as a million-dollar debt with subcontractors. With the arrival of the new authorities, the future of the CNEA is uncertain, and projects are paralyzed, with layoffs on the rise. Serquis highlights that although the RA-10 could be completed soon, the Carem faces a comprehensive overhaul. In addition, he points out that without additional funds, the institution will not be able to operate starting in June. President Milei accepted her resignation, and after the transition, Serquis expressed concerns about the lack of female representation in the new administration. The Carem and RA-10 projects, essential for the technological and economic advancement of the country, remain almost ready but practically paralyzed due to political decisions and lack of financing.

Buenos Aires University and the missing doctorate

“The path of the libertarian”, an “autobiography” of Milei published by Planeta in 2024 in Spain, sparked a debate about falsehood, plagiarism and imposture in the field of pseudo-culture, pseudo-economics and pseudo-politics.

Milei did not study economics at the University of Buenos Aires nor did he obtain a doctorate at the University of California as stated on the back cover of his book. Milei studied at the University of Belgrano and in 2022 the Higher School of Economics and Administration (Eseade) awarded him an honorary doctorate, not an academic but a honorary title. Esaade is an organization founded by one of President Milei’s accolades, Alberto Benegas Lynch Jr., with the aim of promoting the translation and circulation of liberal-libertarian ideology in Spanish-speaking countries. Among the extravagances that characterize the public interventions of Alberto Benegas Lynch Jr. and his grandson, deputy for Libertad Avanza, are the privatization of the sea and whales as well as the suppression of compulsory school education.

The falsehoods of Milei’s past and repeated plagiarism motivated journalist Juan Luis González to undertake an investigation, the result of which was the writing and publication of several articles denouncing plagiarism and a book, El Loco. The unknown life of Javier Milei.


The teachers’ unions of the General Confederation of Workers (UDA, AMET, CEA and SADOP) as well as the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CETERA) called for another national teaching strike for Thursday, 05/23/2024. The 24-hour strike in schools across the country to demand a salary increase aims not only to recover the loss of purchasing power of teacher salaries, but also demands the availability of the necessary resources to guarantee the functioning of the educational system.


Directors and producers took the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival as a platform to call attention to emptying-out of organizations dedicated to promoting cinema such as the INCAA, which remains closed since December 2023. They read a document in Spanish, French and English against the general and specific policies of President Milei and were photographed with the “United Argentine Cinema” flag, which tours exhibitions and festivals around the world. Despite the budget cut, 4 films were presented this year. The directors of the films presented in the note cited above give an account of the devastating effects of institutional emptying on activity.

Human Rights

Dismantling of the Centers of Access to Justice

The government has fired 20% of the workers at the Access to Justice Centers that depend on the Ministry of Justice of the Nation, and did not renew the rental contracts of the premises where they operate. The function of the CAJ is carried out by interdisciplinary teams (made up of lawyers, psychologists, social workers) that offer free, primary and legal care in matters of security, family, work and documentation in areas with low-income populations and difficult access to rights. Lawyer Gabriela Carpineti, former national director of Promotion and Strengthening Access to Justice, strongly criticized the current and previous justice policy. While the current one, “is in the hands of some inexperienced and abandoned thieves who the only thing they are producing is the dismantling of the promotion and strengthening of a right such as access to justice; while “those who had the pen from the previous administration, which was neither me nor any of the coordinators of my team, obviously either did not know how to use it or did not want to use it to protect access to justice, as if the “They used them to protect other issues from palace politics.”


The regime of “incentives for large investment” and environmental risks

Environmental activists denounce that the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI), included in the Base Law, puts environmental sovereignty at risk. Among other aspects, the law prioritizes mining, oil and agribusiness companies in the use of inputs such as water and energy over the needs of the population. Furthermore, the law does not impose the obligation on companies to present Environmental Impact Studies or Cumulative Impact Assessments, nor does it establish requirements for the generation of local employment, the development of value chains, or the transfer of technology, favoring only the interests business over the public good.

Scrapping of the Matanza Riachuelo Basin Authority

The Matanza Riachuelo Basin Authority (ACUMAR) has made significant progress in addressing the serious environmental situation of the Matanza Riachuelo River, such as the return of fauna and the reduction of visible pollution. However, the current situation is worrying due to the dismantling of ACUMAR by the national government, which negatively affects the sanitation process and the socio-environmental policies ordered by the Justice system.

ACUMAR, created in 2008, works in a tripartite manner with the Nation, Province of Buenos Aires and Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. In 2009, ACUMAR designed the Comprehensive Environmental Sanitation Plan (PISA), which adopts a comprehensive approach to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the basin, recover the environment in all its components (water, air and land), and prevent damages with a sufficient and reasonable degree of prediction. This plan allows for coordinated action between the different actors involved in solving the region’s problems.

Just as improvements were beginning to produce tangible results, the threat of the “chainsaw” arose. The personnel reduction at ACUMAR threatens the continuity of this transformation.

First Nations

Land rights policies and mineral extraction in Indigenous territories

The Milei government has consistently attempted to return the situation of Indigenous peoples to the decades prior to the 1994 constitutional reform that recognized their rights. By decree, an attempt was made to repeal the Land Law, the dissolution of the National Institute of Indigenous Affairs (INAI) was announced and the name of the Hall of Native Peoples of the Government buidling was changed. Although parliament managed to limit the effects of the measures, the perspectives for native peoples during the Milei government bring back to the scene the long history of ignorance, discrimination and systematic looting of the native peoples of Argentina. Likewise, Vice President Victoria Villarruel, as President of the Chamber of Senators, dissolved the Indigenous Peoples Commission. In this sense, the Milei government follows a line of historical continuity characterized by insufficiency, absence or, even worse, the consideration that respecting the territorial rights of indigenous peoples implies attacking national sovereignty.

Conventions and other international legal instruments remain in force in Argentina. Since governments do not have policies for the sector or have policies that conflict with the rights of indigenous peoples, they ignore or attack instead of recognizing and negotiating with them. Indigenous organizations are actively challenging these situations and continue to make their claims and complaints in national and international forums.

Gender and sexual minorities

Attacks on sexual and reproductive health

May 28 is the International Day of Action for Women’s Health. In times of setback, it is especially important to keep in mind that the day has the purpose of making visible, guaranteeing and reaffirming the comprehensive health rights of girls, adolescents and women around the world. Since the recovery of democracy in Argentina, significant progress has been made in the integration of sexual, reproductive and non-reproductive rights. Fundamental steps were also taken in terms of eradicating violence against women. The attacks by President Milei and members of his government result in a threat to the guarantee of distribution of sexual and reproductive health supplies in Primary Health Care Centers and Public Hospitals; the application of the laws of Respected Childbirth and Access to Surgical Contraception, Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI), Medically Assisted Reproduction, and Prevention of Unintentional Pregnancy in Adolescents.

Hate crime against lesbian women in Barracas

In 2012, the Gender Identity Law was approved. Twelve years after its approval, on May 8, 2024, Pamela Cobbas and her partner, Mercedes Roxana Figueroa, Andrea Amarante and Sofía Castro Riglos, were attacked with a Molotov cocktail while they were sleeping in a family hotel on Olavarría Street. Pamela Cobbas (52), Mercedes Roxa Figueroa (52) and Andrea Amarante (42) died as a result of burns, while Sofía Castro Riglos (49) remained hospitalized at the Hospital del Quemado with minor injuries. The perpetrator, Justo Fernando Barrientos (68), lived in an adjoining room and did not accept the gender identity of his neighbors, 3 of them fatal victims of the attack.

The crime sparked a public debate about attacks, precariousness and the invisibility of the living conditions of most of the members of the LGTBIQ collective in Argentina. Likewise, various organizations representing the LGBTIQ community and some representatives of minority political parties spoke out in relation to discriminatory and aggressive expressions (lousy, unhealthy, self-destructive) by members and agents of the government and the mass media. They highlighted that, although there is no direct connection between the expressions expressed by officials and journalists and criminal acts, the scarcity of spaces and voices of diversity in political parties and in the mass media invisibilize the diversity of forms of life. In their place emerge a set of attacks and manifestations of intolerance towards differences that generate a climate of contempt that can lead to criminal acts.

The Ni Una Menos collective called for a march to demand justice. During the march, the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, was singled out, who had repudiated the crime, but denied that it was “an attack on a certain group.”

Publications, interventions and recommendations from Obervatorio members

Christophe Giudicelli, “En Argentine, un pouvoir d’extrème droite”, AOC, 24 de mayo de 2024.

Alejandro Moreira, “Inventar las comunidades del futuro”, Rea Revista, 13 de mayo de 2024.

Events and activities

Preconference/Workshop LASA Bogotá “Argentina en foco: seis meses de extrema derecha”

June 11 2–6 pm, Edificio 3 Gabriel Giraldo, aula 507 — Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Panel 1. Balance general

Luciana Cadahia, Javier Uriarte

Modera: Jorge J. Locane

Panel 2. Género y diversidad

Mariano López Seoane, Paula Fleisner

Modera: Gabriel Giorgi

Panel 3. Extractivismo y medioambiente

Gisela Heffes, Maria Alessandra Woolson

Modera: Jens Andermann

Panel 4. Desafíos del activismo y la resistencia

Leila Gómez, Azucena Castro

Modera: Estefanía Bournot



Observatorio Argentino

Colectivo internacional de académicxs comprometidxs con la democracia y los derechos humanos en la Argentina.