
What is proof of stake for all (POS4All) ?

There are several methods to process transactions and earn dividends from the blockchain. In addition to proof of work used by Bitcoin, proof of stake allows cryptocurrency owners to generate blocks without having to solve complicated mathematical puzzles that are extremely energy-intensive. There’s no need to maintain an expensive infrastructure, owning a certain amount of tokens is sufficient to participate in the life of a crypto-currency.

The platform hosting the crypto-currency regularly offers rewards to thank those owning and leaving their assets in a wallet.

The Waves platform uses itself a variation of proof of stake allowing node owners to benefit from funds leased by users.

OceanLab created the POS4ALL tool to allow token creators on the Waves platform to benefit from a “proof of stake like” experience.

What is the interest of POS4ALL for my cryptocurrency?

Proof of stake encourages holders of a cryptocurrency to store and increase the size of their stack by getting additional token for free at a regular interval. As a result, the value of money is more likely to rise as the supply on the markets is diminished and the demand increases. This increases the number of people interested in your project because they will earn regular money, like a savings account.

How does POS4ALL work?

It’s very simple: you choose the amount of money you want to offer, as well as the periodicity and the percentage given when issuing rewards. You transfer the amount set to a distributing Waves address and our tools will automatically generate snapshots of the current distribution as well as distribute the tokens.

How much does POS4ALL cost?

Our system takes a small percentage (2%) of the money distributed when the token distributions occur. We believe in the Waves platform and its projects, that’s why we are interested in any cryptocurrency available on the platform.

If you want to integrate POS4ALL feature into your project, contact us on our social networks:

Twitter: @oceanlab_eu https://twitter.com/oceanlab_eu

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oceanlab.eu/

Slack: https://wavesplatform.slack.com/ #oceanlab

To join Waves Platform on Slack: http://wavesplatform.herokuapp.com/


- Channel: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAERy1c29Cj6zeTPFgQ

- Group: Oceanlab Chat https://t.me/joinchat/EQLWpBBrR55F0Rd2ssbQqw

Discord: https://discord.gg/AF3ra7W

Our website: https://oceanlab.eu/

