Ten simple truths of good web design

Greg Ochab
2 min readSep 4, 2015


Dieter Rams “Principles of Good Design” provided a touchstone that allowed him to create some of the most loved and timeless products in existence. It’s an approach that I think those of us that craft website can learn from. We work in the fastest-paced industry ever conceived, so creating something that can withstand the test of time is even more important for us.

Below is my list of “Ten Principles of Good Web Design”. Let’s dialogue.

A good website is useful

It allows a user to do what they set out to do, and it does so up front.

A good website revolves around it’s content

A website exists because of it’s content, therefore the layout will serve that and never take precedence.

A good website works in any reasonable context

On any reasonable device, in any browser, with any inputs, at any connection speed. On technology past, present and future.

A good website shows respect

It respects the user’s time, attention and money. It respects the organization’s resources.

A good website uses systems

Content systems, layout systems, graphic design systems and management systems are essential to making a website useful across all situations.

A good website is for real people in real situations

Most users are not idealized. Users under stress or distress should be able to use your website as easily as possible. All users will benefit from this.

A good website is as minimal as possible

Minimal content, minimal code, minimal layout. Anything that does not add to the experience should be removed.

A good website gets better over time

A good website is one that is constantly analyzed and improved accordingly.

A good website takes embraces the medium

The web has different constraints than any other medium. Don’t fight these constraints; embrace them.

A good website is innovative

It exists because of technology and design, and should take advantage of and push the boundaries of both.



Greg Ochab

I'm a product design lead from Chicago with over 15 years experience. https://ochab.co