2 min readNov 8, 2023

Rongo university student was yesterday stabbed to death by his classmate after a quarrel broke out at pub over payment of bill.
He was promptly taken to a nearby clinic but succumbed to his injuries.

Rongo police boss Peter Okiringi said they have a suspect in custody over the stabbing to death of the student.
Rongo University students woke up to a sombre morning on Thursday as they received heartbreaking news of the passing of their fellow student, 21-year-old Abel Pchumba in the school of information communication and media studies known to many as Kiddo.
In an official internal memo released by the Dean of students, it was confirmed that the tragic incident occurred yesterday evening, and the deceased’s body is currently at Tabaka Hospital in Kisii. Further information is expected to be provided by the school as the investigation unfolds.
According to Brian Otieno a close friend of the deceased , Pchumba was involved in a fatal altercation near Adams Hostel, a student residential area located off-campus.He was allegedly stabbed by a known individual who was his intimate friend. The suspect was apprehended by the police shortly after the incident.
The altercation, as witnessed by others, is believed to have arisen from a dispute over the payment of the bill at a local Pub they had visited earlier. Following the attack, the suspect fled the scene and sought refuge in one of the hostels, where he informed his acquaintances about the incident.
Pchumba was promptly taken to a nearby clinic and later transferred to Tabaka Mission Hospital, where he tragically succumbed to his injuries.
Rongo police boss Peter Okiringi said they have a suspect in custody over the stabbing to death of the student. “We are holding a suspect over this tragedy. We are talking to him to know the motive before he is arraigned,” he said.
The authorities said they are currently investigating the matter to determine the motive behind the tragic incident, and the suspect will be arraigned accordingly.
Statistics show that 20% of the youth population engage in drug abuse due to peer pressure.

Dear comrades let's say no to drug abuse to save our lives