Moving Up Is MORE Affordable Now Than Almost Any Other Time In 40 Years

Eileen Tien
2 min readMar 28, 2018



If you are considering selling your current home, to either move up to a larger home or into a home in an area that better suits your current family needs, great news was just revealed.


Last week, Trulia posted a blog, Not Your Father’s Housing Market, which examined home affordability over the last 40+ years (1975–2016). Their research revealed that:


“Nationally, homes are just about the most affordable they’ve been in the last 40 years… the median household could afford a home 1.5 times more expensive than the median home price. In 1980, the median household could only afford about 3/4 of the median home price.


Despite relatively stagnant incomes, affordability has grown due to the sharp drop in mortgage rates over the last 30 years — from a high of over 16% in the 1980s to under 4% by 2016.

儘管收入相對滯後,但由於過去30年的房屋貸款利率大幅下降 — 從80年代的超過16%到2016年的4%以下,負擔能力有所增長。

Of the nation’s 100 largest metros, only Miami became unaffordable between 1990 and 2016. Meanwhile, 22 metros have flipped from being unaffordable to becoming affordable in that same time frame.”


Here is a graph showing the Affordability Index compared to the 40-year average:


The graph shows that housing affordability is better now than at any other time in the last forty years, except during the housing crash last decade.


(Remember that during the crash you could purchase distressed properties — foreclosures and short sales — at 20–50% discounts.)

(請記住在崩盤期間,您可以以20–50%的折扣購買不良資產 — 銀行屋和短銷屋。)

There is no doubt that with home prices and mortgage rates on the rise, the affordability index will continue to fall. That is why if you are thinking of moving up, you probably shouldn’t wait.

毫無疑問,隨著房價和貸款利率的上漲,負擔能力指數將繼續下降。 這就是為什麼如果您想搬家,不應該再等待等待下去的原因。

Bottom Line 結論

If you have held off on moving up to your family’s dream home because you were hoping to time the market, that time has come.


