Octavian BolocanDe ce „Propriul De Ce” te ajută să îți găsești răspunsul tău la întrebarea „De ce merită să…(english version/ varianta în engleză)Nov 14, 2019Nov 14, 2019
Octavian Bolocan“Your Why” is your personalized and empowering reason to live. Interested in finding yours?Read this if you want to:Nov 14, 2019Nov 14, 2019
Octavian BolocanA slightly unorthodox approach to avoid feeling stuck with the Gene KeysOk, so you have the Gene Keys book, the Golden Path program, and you started working with them.Aug 25, 20191Aug 25, 20191
Octavian Bolocan5 steps in mastering how beliefs (the critical aspect that define your life) workThere is a lot of stuff about beliefs. How to change them, how to overcome them, but I believe I couldn’t find something that actually…May 21, 2018May 21, 2018
Octavian BolocanWhat if your life is the same as the magical adventure heroes from your favorite stories have?In ancient times, there was a place that could only be found by the ones that are called. It was the best starting point for the most…Apr 23, 2018Apr 23, 2018
Octavian BolocanHow to find more joy in what you’re doingSummary: To find joy in what you’re doing, the easiest way is knowing your Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile, understand how you function and…Jan 31, 2018Jan 31, 2018
Octavian BolocanCum faci să îți placă ceea ce faciRezumat: Ca să îți placă ceea placă ceea ce faci, cel mai ușor mod este să îți cunoști profilul Hologenetic Gene Keys, să te prinzi cum…Jan 9, 2018Jan 9, 2018
Octavian BolocanCam urmează să petreci timp cu ceva membri ai familiei. Te bucuri sau te îngrijorezi?O modalitate sănătoasă pentru a transforma timpul petrecut cu familia (sau cu cine vrei tu) în ceva mai plăcut și mai valoros pentru tine.Dec 4, 2017Dec 4, 2017
Octavian BolocanHow to control your stress and profit out of itSome insights from the Gene Keys and my ownSep 27, 2017Sep 27, 2017
Octavian BolocanThe 64 steps of lifeThis is a playful contemplation on the 64 Gene Keys.Aug 6, 2017Aug 6, 2017