What you need to do to start something new? Get ready to implement any habit

Octavian Vladut
2 min readOct 5, 2021


I have recently started a new habit. Always wanted to get into meditation but as life usually takes over, I never made the time for it. Therefore I started looking for ways to implement this new habit.

As each new habit, there are hacks that can be implemented in order to “trick” our brains and emotions and start doing what we want. And of course we would like to do it not just for the first day or for the first week. We want to do it consistently and not be just another burden in our lives.

Here’s what I implemented and being in the 3rd week of daily meditation routine, I can say that it feels good and I’m always enthusiastic for the next session. I’m now currently meditating at least once per day (in the morning after waking up and/or in the evening before getting to sleep). And I’m doing it for 11 minutes, growing slowly after about 4–5 days.

  1. Start slow

Don’t strive for one hour session of meditation. You won’t pass the first week unless you have extreme motivation. I started with daily 5 minutes sessions. And stay there for five minutes even though your mind might be wandering.

2. Write it down

Print a calendar for the current month. Write down your intention regarding your new habit and then start doing it. You’ll release happiness by circling your note after you performed the session whether it was a great session or not such a good one. Tie your new habit to an existing one. Write down: “I sit down to meditate for 5 minutes after I close my morning alarm clock.”

3. Accept not being a rockstar when you start your habit

Be a curious learner and strive to make daily improvements. Simply by starting something new makes you a newbie in the field. Accept that and stop comparing yourself with gurus of that topic. Compare yourself with you, always with you.

4. There will always be bad days

Life is not a straight line from point A to point B. Life is not a leader you have to climb. Life is a roller coaster, some days you trend up, some days you trend down. You need to watch the bigger picture and make that line trend up. Make peace with bad days, it just means that you have an opportunity to grow more.

What habit do you plan to implement? Don’t wait for the New Year’s Eve resolutions. Start today by following these steps. Commit yourself by commenting below and stay motivated with your plan and with us newbies.

