The Collapse of Duality & The Return to Wholeness

3 min readApr 7, 2020


We are currently witnessing the downfall of mutual exclusivity.

The model that has long since championed unbridled competition is crumbling upon its own flawed foundation mandating that we always choose a side and forever adhere to it, no matter the cost.

But a one-sided structure cannot support itself.

This is not about politics, but instead a return to shrewd pragmatism.

The dualistic method of thinking and acting is an inherently self-limiting, and unsustainable approach to existing in this world.

On a narrowing timeline, life reduces itself and becomes smaller and smaller as we drift further and further away from one another, counting all the ways in which we differ. Creating deeply set, widespread divisions severing the heart from the mind.

Blame infects our thoughts and sends toxins through our bloodstream making it hard to distinguish how it was before, or how else it could ever be.

The cycle of blame is more toxic than Round-up as it slowly pervades and destroys our sense of vitality and resilience.

Good or Bad
Us or Them
Right or Wrong
Rich or Poor
Profit or Loss
Pride or Shame
Success or Failure
Friend or Foe
Healthy or Sick
Problem or Solution.

This is not about morality, but instead about survival. And furthermore, assessing what it takes to thrive during our brief time on this Earth.

Everyday, while we witness what is no longer working or sustainable, as a society and as a species, we can also look to the example set by nature.

The seasons will continue changing. We can rely upon the steady consistency of the sun rising each day, and the moon by night. The plants reach for what nourishes them, and so can we.

Nature provides the optimal cooperative and sustainable system of growth, regardless of what occurs around and within it. There is no choice to be made. Only the continuation of what is. And the underlying irrefutable truth that all life matters equally.

To react against the circumstance, or against the system that is failing us is simply depleting and exhausting our own precious internal resources.

Outrage will only leave us feeling drained, unheard and alone.

We can instead choose to fortify ourselves with an elevated understanding of what is helping, versus what is hurting, and respond based on that instead of reacting.

For example, recognising the components of the Drama Triangle can be a great way to step outside of the spiralling blame vortex and reclaim a sense of clarity, and empowered action.

Developed by Dr. Eric Bern who wrote the bestselling book in 1964 called, Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships. The book describes both functional and dysfunctional social interactions.

Our natural internal defences have evolved for thousands of years, and have resulted in the beautiful machine that we now embody.

The body’s stress response is a perfectly engineered physiological adaptation designed to increase our chances of survival. But if needlessly and constantly overtaxed, by outside influences such as the media, and other blame-inducing inputs, it will severely weaken all of our bodies’ natural internal defences.

For more practical information on how to approach self-healing, both mentally and physically, check out Dr. Kelly Brogan’s website:

Our root systems can deepen, and we can continue to grow building upon each other’s support.

A full moon will rise on the evening of Tuesday, April 7th 2020 in the Northern Hemisphere.

In the Southern Hemisphere, it occurs on Wednesday evening, 8 April 2020.

May we all take a moment to gaze up at it’s quiet illumination, just as humans have done for thousands of years before us. And may it serve to remind us of the natural cyclical order that will not fail us, now or ever.

For now, I will offer the same advice given to both safely operate a power tool, and that is likewise given to pregnant women who are in labor — keep your shoulders relaxed, and remember to keep breathing.

