Reading Reddit — #1: Delphi Murders

Who needs the FBI? Modern mobs get their guy!

October Ryan
5 min readApr 27, 2022

Take a look. You’ll find your crook. By reading red-diiiittttt!

Ever since coming out as transgender, I’ve been obsessed with solving true crime. Not just binge-watching every amateur YouTube sleuth video I can find (which I totally do), but SOLVING the cases. Cases that millions of people and dollars have attempted, and failed, to solve. But I have something they don’t.


Okay, so everyone has Reddit access. But do they have the mixture of OCD, a psych degree, and 40 years of being the mystery that is me? No.

I think after finally solving my identity crisis after decades of effort, my brain needs a new mission. So I’ve decided to use my defense mechanisms for good, or at least entertainment/distraction with the intent of good (so calm down). It’s actually really difficult to scour all of the popular Reddit threads and create clear and concise possibilities, but that’s what I’m setting out to do. So join me on my first journey to the repository of Reddit as we dip our toes in the town of Delphi and the murders that captivated the world.

Part I: Setting The Stage

You didn’t come here for a detailed summary of the crime. If you’re here, you’re likely very familiar with the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German. If you’re not, here. Wikipedia FTW.

Part II: The Just The Facts Ma’am

That would be my dream superhero detective codename. Here, I’ll be quickly listing the publicly-stated, able-to-corroborate information provided from who I deem to be reputable sources. AKA if I research a public official who I find disreputable (suspicious political activity, potential conflicts of interest, etc.). I’m also only including information I feel is significant to solving the crime. If any of the above upsets you, you can go here for your information.

  1. Police believe this video recording of a man walking across the bridge and saying “guys… down the hill” reflects the appearance and voice of the same singular person whom they believe is the killer.
  2. As of 2019, police believe the image below is their best sketch of the killer.
Delphi murder suspect sketch

3. The girls were last seen on Monday, February 13, 2017 at 1:00 PM. Their bodies were found almost 24 hours later, on Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 12:15 PM, about one-half mile upstream from the bridge.

4. Police are looking for the driver of a vehicle that was parked at the old CPS/DCS welfare building in Delphi, abandoned on the east side of County Road 300 North next to the Hoosier Heartland Highway between the hours of 12:00 PM and 5:00 PM on February 13th, 2017.

5. Police are asking for anyone who has information on the catfish social media account from “Anthony_Shots” to contact them. This account has been linked to criminal charges involving child exploitation, child pornography, and child solicitation.

Part III: The People of Interest

Not suspects. People of interest. AKA You can’t sue me. I’m not pointing fingers. I’m not even alleging anything. AND I’m giving these people aliases ala Clue. Seriously, I’m just summarizing theories I’ve gleamed from what I’ve read on Reddit for the OCD-inclined. Also I’m broke, so don’t waste your litigious energy on me. Also also I don’t support the doxing or harassing of anyone. You’re not Batman.

Ahem, in no particular order…

  1. Anthony Adjacent — Currently serving time for child exploitation related to the aforementioned “Anthony_Shots” social media account. Seems to be a popular subject given the release of interview transcripts. Some argue that law enforcement has pretty much said “it’s not him but he’ll lead us there” without actually saying it.
  2. Daddy Adjacent — Anthony Adjacent’s father. Another popular subject whose connection to his son would fulfill the above insinuation from law enforcement. There are connections between the father/son duo and the case that do indeed appear damning, though almost all of them come from a police interrogation (which means police could be bluffing/intentionally lying) or from the (less-than-reputable) statements of the accused.
  3. Friendly Adjacent — Anthony Adjacent claims that a “friend” had access to his phone (i.e. access to his social media accounts). Interestingly, he has seemingly gone out of his way to not so much as hint at the name of this friend, despite discussing his daddy’s potential phone access pretty readily. Many think “Anthony” is (rightfully) afraid of naming this friend due to his connections and that “Friendly” could even be an already-identified POI.
  4. Waffley Witness — I’ve had a tough time finding non-hearsay information on this one, but Team Reddit believes a man who gave statements explaining his presence near the crime might be the culprit (primarily because it’s believed he changed his statements, potentially more than once). There’s also a weird potentially-prophetic YouTube video where he acts out a search for a missing person on the bridge. Admittedly weird…
  5. Daddy Waffles — Not much about this one, but if true, it explains why the case stalled from the get-go. The father of Waffley Witness has been a highly prominent political figure in the community for years and spent decades in law enforcement. If a life of living in small towns (and Making a Murderer) has taught me anything, it’s to never underestimate the reach of powerful people with something to hide… or someone to protect.
  6. Ol’ Wolverine — The guy who owned the land where the bodies were found was arrested for violating his probation by driving to a dumpsite on the day the girls were found. Yeah. He died from COVID-19 in January of this year, though, so would law enforcement be threatening a dead man in their press conferences?

Part IV: In Conclusion

Look. Do I know who did it? No. Do I have very strong feelings about who I think did it? Absolutely. And it might be one or more of the above people. And there are many rumors which seem believable that point to one or more of the above people. But I also recognize that law enforcement has kept many (actually almost all) of the details of this case confidential, and shockingly, I don’t know everything. So this article is simply a home base for information and theory, not an investigation. Some of you will notice I even left out some well-known people of interest. And I totally did, based primarily on their current incarceration and/or death and/or incrimination based solely on hearsay. But again, I’m not pointing fingers. I’m just solving mysteries. Because Scooby Doo loved solving mysteries and Jensen Ackles loves Scooby Doo and I love Jensen Ackles and sometimes delusions are fun.

So. What are your thoughts? Let a ma’am know in the comments below.

And most importantly, if you have any information on the murders of Liberty German and Abigail Williams, please contact (765) 822–3535 or



October Ryan

Published Author. LA Transplant. Proudly Transgender. Check out my work at