The Future of Music: How AI is Creating New Genres and Styles

5 min readApr 18, 2023


Music is one of the oldest and most universal forms of human expression. It can evoke emotions, convey messages, and inspire creativity. But what if music could also be created by machines? What if artificial intelligence (AI) could generate new sounds, melodies, and rhythms that humans have never heard before?

This is not a hypothetical question. In recent years, AI has made remarkable advances in music generation, thanks to the development of deep learning models that can learn from large datasets of music and produce original compositions. These models can mimic the style of existing genres, such as classical, jazz, rock, or pop, or create new ones that blend different influences and elements.

In this article, we will explore some of the most exciting examples of AI-generated music, and how they are changing the way we listen to and create music. We will also discuss some of the challenges and opportunities that AI poses for the music industry and society at large.

How AI Generates Music

There are different approaches to generate music with AI, but one of the most common ones is to use a type of neural network called a generative adversarial network (GAN). A GAN consists of two components: a generator and a discriminator. The generator tries to create realistic music samples from random noise, while the discriminator tries to distinguish between real and fake samples. The generator and the discriminator compete with each other, improving their skills over time.

Another popular approach is to use a type of neural network called a transformer. A transformer can learn from sequential data, such as text or audio, and generate new sequences based on a given input. A transformer can capture long-term dependencies and complex patterns in the data, making it suitable for music generation.

Both GANs and transformers can be trained on large datasets of music from various sources, such as MIDI files, audio files, sheet music, or lyrics. They can also be conditioned on specific attributes, such as genre, mood, tempo, or instrument. This way, they can generate music that matches the desired style and characteristics.

Examples of AI-Generated Music

OpenAI Jukebox

There are many examples of AI-generated music that showcase the diversity and creativity of these models. Here are some of them:

  • Jukebox: Jukebox is a neural network developed by OpenAI that can generate music in various genres and styles, using raw audio as input. Jukebox can also generate lyrics and sing them in different languages and voices. Jukebox can produce songs that sound like famous artists, such as Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, or Taylor Swift, or create new ones that mix different influences.
  • AIVA: AIVA is a neural network developed by a Luxembourg-based company that can generate music for various purposes, such as films, games, or commercials. AIVA can compose music in different genres, such as classical, ambient, or electronic. AIVA has been recognized as the world’s first virtual composer by the Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music (SACEM).
  • Amper: Amper is a neural network developed by a Los Angeles-based company that can generate music for video content creators. Amper can create music in different genres and moods, such as upbeat, dramatic, or relaxing. Amper can also adapt to the length and pace of the video content.
  • Magenta: Magenta is a research project by Google that explores how machine learning can foster human creativity. Magenta has developed several tools and models for music generation, such as NSynth, which can synthesize new sounds from existing ones; MusicVAE, which can interpolate between different musical styles; and Piano Genie,
    which can turn any keyboard into a musical instrument.
    MuseNet: MuseNet is a neural network developed by OpenAI that can generate multi-instrumental music in various genres and styles. MuseNet can also combine different genres and styles in surprising ways,
    such as country + metal or Bach + Beatles.

The Impact of AI on Music

AI-generated music has many potential applications and implications for the music industry and society at large. Here are some of them:

  • Creativity: AI-generated music can inspire human musicians to explore new sounds,
    melodies, and rhythms that they might not have thought of before. AI-generated music can also provide feedback and suggestions to human musicians during the creative process.
  • Education: AI-generated music can help students learn about music theory,
    composition, and performance. AI-generated music can also provide personalized lessons
    and exercises based on the student’s level and preferences.
  • Entertainment: AI-generated music can provide listeners with new musical experiences
    and discoveries. AI generated music can also create personalized playlists and recommendations based on the listener’s taste and mood.
  • Accessibility: AI-generated music can make music creation and consumption more accessible and inclusive for people who have limited resources, skills, or abilities. AI-generated music can also help preserve and promote the diversity and richness of musical cultures and traditions around the world.
  • Innovation: AI-generated music can lead to new forms of musical expression and interaction, such as collaborative music making, interactive music games, or immersive music environments. AI-generated music can also create new opportunities and challenges for the music industry, such as new business models, revenue streams, or legal issues.


AI is creating new genres and styles of music that humans have never heard before. These models can generate music that is realistic, diverse, and creative, using various sources and attributes as input. AI-generated music has many potential applications and implications for the music industry and society at large, such as creativity, education, entertainment, accessibility, and innovation.

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