Medium Experiment: First 100 Followers + Earning Money in 31 Days with Minimal Efforts

I had to triple-check that my strategy works… and it does!

Irma Geddon
11 min readJun 10, 2022

I have succeeded in getting into the Medium Partner Program twice already. Once with this account, and once with another where I post very little.

I feel like it’s important to test the strategy I devised multiple times, to see if I can refine it even further.

So on May 11th, 2022, I opened another Medium account, and I tried to get it into the Medium Partner Program as well, with as little work as I can.

This is an old pen name with which I have published two mini non-fiction books a few years ago. I don’t have any following there, so I’m really starting from scratch.

I won’t go into why I’m writing about narcissists, abuse, and domestic violence here, because that’s not the topic at hand, but feel free to head over there if you want to hear more about my story of abuse.



Irma Geddon

I am a multipotentialite neurospicy chronically ill artist, earning money with passive income. USA Today Bestseller.