My Brain Is a Gaslighter

It keeps telling me I am a slacker and forgets all the work I have already done!

Irma Geddon
3 min readMay 20, 2022

I have no idea what I did to my brain for it to hate me so.

I try to make sure it rests, it is fed, it doesn’t thirst, it gets plenty of sunlight and vitamins and stuff… and yet!

This is what happened this morning:

Why do I forget that I have done a lot already?

I have worked on a new mailing list sequence and wrote a total of four emails before 10:30 am. How is it that it doesn’t count as work for my brain?

More so, since I should take it easy right now, after a tiring week full of urgent administrative stuff and outings in the big bad outside world.

And I have no clue why.

Is it because my brain thinks writing emails is not work?

Maybe somehow it falls under just communicating… and I don’t consider that my work? Which is stupid, by the way: I communicate all day…



Irma Geddon

I am a multipotentialite neurospicy chronically ill artist, earning money with passive income. USA Today Bestseller.