Passive Income & Chronic Illness: Self-Care is the Key

The side-hustle world keeps telling you to overdo it—I’m here to set things straight!

Irma Geddon
3 min readApr 14, 2022


My opinion on hustling is the absolute contrary to everyone else’s on Money Twitter and the side hustling world in general.

What they advise you to do is to keep going, never stop, and work through the pain and the tiredness. They throw motivational quotes at your face, as if everyone was bodily-abled, with good health and good mental health.

This advice always falls short with me.

It didn’t always. I remember a time when I was younger when I would work non-stop. I would take care of my non-potty-trained autistic kids that were always running around and putting themselves in danger. I would take them to therapy three times a week. I would take care of the house (my good-for-nothing, abusive husband never lifted a finger to help with any of this). I would then write blog posts every day, manage a community, and find the time to work as a consultant or a web designer.

How did I do that? By burning all my energy. There was no love in my life back then, and working was the only way to feel valued. If I didn’t matter, at least the money…



Irma Geddon

I am a multipotentialite neurospicy chronically ill artist, earning money with passive income. USA Today Bestseller.