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Online Dating Disconnect

The Introvert


Men and Women’s Virtual Failure to Communicate

Men and women struggling IRL to communicate with each other is a fait accompli. Yet what’s lost in translation IRL is but a tiny fraction of online communication breakdown — especially when the conversation is within the online dating platforms — what I call virtual dating. There is no word I can think of to aptly describe what transpires there, yet I can approximate that it does not bode well for — shall we — say romantic aspirations.

There are a number of reasons for this Babylonian dilemma — a problem appears to be immutable, or rather insurmountable. Both men, women, and the dating platforms themselves are blameful for creating a demoralizing and relentlessly tedious atmosphere that does little to facilitate happy and life reaffirming social transactions, rather it tends to alienate people and engender hostility between them.

‘Ghosting is a survival tactic of the passive-aggressive invertebrate that is primarily native to social media and dating platforms.

Men and women have a hard enough time making sense of one another IRL. If we take into account what Oscar Wilde observed — that “most people are boring and stupid,” we begin to better comprehend the dynamics of men and women boring and…



The Introvert

Mischievous and snarky pookah. Fact checker. Oxford comma aficionado. Has cats