The Diva Recipe

Olivia Daprile
4 min readJan 31, 2021


I sat down with Hip Hop artist, Keldamuzik, — aka Diva — to talk about what it takes to be a Diva IRL. Trust me when I say that the term renaissance woman doesn’t even begin to cover it all; she acts, podcasts, raps, writes, and on Febraury 1st, she will debut in 2021 Sundance Film, First Date.

First of all, congratulations on the new movie! I hear the premiere sold out completely. First Date is very aptly named as it follows a young man getting ready for — well — his first date. Do you remember your own first date?

Ahh yes I do! [laughs] As a matter of fact, It was a double date. My best friend at the time matched up with my date’s friend. I remember we wasted a lot of time driving to the movie theater, taking the back streets just for fun. As we were driving my best friend looked over and actually saw her dad in the car next to us. She ducked so he wouldn’t see her, and both of our dates were like, “He’s gone now, you can put your head up”. She was so scared, she kept her head down and it was embarrassing because they were like, “That’s your friend?” Yeah. That was a weird First Date… almost like one of those teen movies.

That’s almost as exciting as the date in your new movie! It seems appropriate that First Date, a movie that focuses on young love, would air in February. As an artist, has romance influenced your music over the years?

It has influenced some of it for sure, making music and using your experiences, especially when it comes to relationships and romance, is really therapeutic. It’s like a musical diary. You get to sit in the studio, alone, writing and processing everything and then boom it comes out on the mic!

I’ve never thought about it like that before - I love it. In the movie you play the mother of the main character. Do you and your character have anything in common?

[Laughs] Yeah, we don’t really have much in common considering I’m not a mother… well not yet at least. To really get into the character of someone who you cannot relate to, you just imagine what and how you would be if you were in that person’s shoes.

Keldamuzik on set

You’re an artist in every sense of the word; you write and perform music, host podcasts, act, and even model. How do you juggle all of your projects?

It’s pretty fun, I love keeping myself really really busy, maybe its because I have ADHD. [laughs] That could be the reason. Like one minute I’m recording music, next minute I’m reading scripts, acting in a film or hosting an event. I love it though! I live for all of this, I feel like I’m put on earth to be in showbiz!

One of your big projects right now is getting your nonprofit, the Diva Project, off the ground. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Yes! Its call The Diva Outreach. Its an after school arts program that I created for young girls to develop and express themselves through music, writing, poetry and performing. I feel that as a young girl I was always involved in afterschool programs to keep me busy and to hone my craft as a future entertainer. I’m adapting the program to make it all virtual very soon!

How would you define success to the young women you work with who look up to you?

Really it’s just a matter of hard work you put in and based on the feeling of that, you feel successful. And just coming out with a product that is self-satisfying. Its whatever brings happiness to you that defines success.

Is there anything you want your fans to know before we go?

Yes, I have more content coming soon! More music, podcasting three shows, virtual performances and I’ll also be starring in a film with a Tribeca winning film producer.

For more information about Diva, follow her online @keldamuzik or go to

Sundance Film, First Date, will premiere on February 1st at the Fort Mason Centre in San Francisco.



Olivia Daprile

Current Comms professional, future Social Worker shining a light on folks investing in their communities. Doing good? Email