Alto’s Odyssey Tips and Tricks

I love this sequel to Alto’s Adventure: Gorgeous art, and zen-like gameplay. Here’s my tips:

Tyler Freeman
3 min readFeb 24, 2018


The first thing you should buy is the Magnet Timer. Fastest way to get more coins to buy everything else.

Once you’ve got about 2–3 Magnet Timer upgrades, save up for the wingsuit. You’ll need it eventually, and it helps you complete a lot of trick combo challenges.

Maya is my go-to character. Yeah, she’s slow, but you can basically do backflips anywhere–even on flats–to build up speed using tricks. Get the wingsuit and it’s Quadruple Backflip time.

Paz is best for missions that require staying on the ground or going great distances: grind challenges, lotus flowers, smashing rocks. Just never backflip.

If you need an upgrade, Paz will definitely get the most coins. You must resist the urge to bust sweet moves. Only jump when absolutely necessary and you will get rich.

I know the backgrounds are stunning and the foregrounds flying and your backflips mesmerizing, but don’t look at those. Keep your eyes to the far right side of the screen so you know what’s coming. Tap with your left thumb for maximum visibility. #JediSight

When doing a wall ride, tap repeatedly to gain altitude quickly.

Grinding is the way to build points up in a combo. Backflips and air tricks multiply it, but the more grinding you do, the more those multipliers count. Wingsuit in-between grinds to chain those combos.

Use the wingsuit to slowly approach a rock, then hit the wingsuit button to drop on the rock and bounce off for a free backflip.

When you are going to hit a balloon, don’t be afraid to just keep holding down to backflip forever. I’ve gotten a Septuple Backflip from bouncing off multiple balloons (even though the highest score you can get is a Quadruple Backflip).

The haptic feedback in this game is genius. You can “feel” the vines snap right before you need to jump off.

That’s all the tips I have so far; haven’t beaten it yet so I may have an update later on. Kudos to Harry Nesbitt and the Snowman team for making such a delightful game!



Tyler Freeman

Wearables engineer, New Media artist, VJ, cybertechnician pursuing new styles of interfaces through the body and mind to the computer.