do we really deserve a happy ending

3 min readNov 14, 2021


It’s been almost a half-hour since Major came to Arlene’s house. They sat on the sofa having a lot of space between them. At the same time, Major is leaning on the sofa’s arm, and Arlene is doing the same. Major barely looks at her; he finds her wall decoration is far more interesting than his girlfriend, who looked gorgeous with a green sweater on. Arlene realizes, but there’s no time for petty vengeance. Arlene never asked for something from anyone, even from her boyfriend. She couldn’t even dare to ask him on a date, why would she tell him to go to her place?

“Major, i think we need to talk,” Arlene starts. She couldn’t stop playing with her sleeve because she was highly anxious.

“Tentang apa?” he barely looks at her.

“Ya tentang hubungan kita, what else?”

“I don’t know, ngomongin hal yang gak penting aja jarang, apalagi yang penting.”

Now Arlene is frustrated with Major’s sudden attitude. She’s been keeping up with him for almost eight months, but today, she can’t handle it. Not only that, frankly, she’s angry because Major is right.

“I think something is wrong with us.”

Major laughed. “Tell me about it.”

“Major aku serius.”

“Siapa yang bilang aku nggak?”

“Because you laughed?”

Major laughed again. “Karena itu bener, emang sebenernya yang salah siapa?”

Arlene changes her position, facing him. “Kamu tuh serius gak sih?”

“Gue serius Len.”

“Then why don’t you look me in the eyes and tell me you wanted to fix whatever the fuck is wrong with us because you wanted us to last.”

“I can’t cause i don’t know what’s wrong with us.”

Arlene frustratedly messes up her hair. She’d rather talk to a wall right now rather than try to have a challenging conversation with Major. He didn’t even look like he was interested enough to talk about it. No matter how she tried to take his attention, it just didn’t seem to be working. It seemed like Major instead looked at anything else rather than her.

Arlene left him all alone in the living room while she was in her room trying to put herself together. No matter how many times she convinced herself that there was no perfect relationship, this level of frustration never came into her mind. This is where she felt like throwing everything she saw to the wall, but that would’ve been too crazy; she’s not there yet. Maybe if Major talked in that kind of attitude again, she’d probably do it for real.

She returned to the living room, finding Major sitting with his head down. “Do you even notice that i left?”

“Arlene, gue punya mata. And i’ve been listening to you the whole time, gue cuma gak tau harus jawab apa.”

Arlene sat next to Major. This time, they were only two inches apart. “Major, look at me.”

Major looks hesitant, but he looks at her eventually. “Apa Len?”

“Aren’t you tired?”

Major shakes his head. “Ini pertama kali kita argumen, gak bisa dibilang argumen kalo cuma satu pihak yang buka suara. Tapi, gue belum capek. Maybe i’m too naive, but maybe there’s a way for this.”

“You’re too late for that. Daritadi kamu kemana aja? Now when everything is starting to look like it was about to end, you have this hope that we’re going to be okay?”

Major closed his eyes for a while, letting all of my words sink in. “Okay, then what?”

Arlene stared at his vivid eyes and it doesn’t feel the same. By looking at it for a second she knew what their ending is going to be. There will be no more ‘happy ending’ that they thought they would have.

“Major, do we really deserve a happy ending?”

Major stared back at her. “I don’t think so.”

Arlene closed her eyes and let out a breath. “So this is it?”

Major bit his lip. “I think we both sort of know it’ll end this way.”

