Why join an internet users union?

Odd Bert
2 min readMar 29, 2018


Technology companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Amazon collect and organize large amounts of user-generated information. They then use this information to make predictions about how users will behave, and sell these predictions to other companies (often advertisers).

This model powers much of the technology industry, yet gives the users little power over their own data. Thus, the people who (a) generate data that is sold to companies and (b) are the targets of companies who buy the data have little power over how their data are being collected, stored, or used.

The internet users union hopes to organize collective action toward two broad goals :

  1. Give users more knowledge about their data. Users are often left in the dark about the methods that companies use to collect, store, and sell data about people. Even something as simple as the amount of time that you use a service is left hidden from users, even though companies track this information (and use it when making important decisions). To empower users, companies must be more transparent about the information they collect, how this information is used, and with whom this information is shared (or sold).
  2. Give users better tools to control their data. Users often do not have full control over the way in which their data is stored or used by companies. Even when users do have control, the tools are designed to slow users down and limit the amount of information that users remove from the platform. For example, rather than give users an option to delete their entire post history, Facebook and Twitter both require users to manually delete individual posts. To empower users, companies must also provide users the tools needed to manage, delete, and edit their data.

To do achieve these broad goals, the internet users union hopes to organize a large community of users. This union will then engage in peaceful collective action projects designed to bring about specific improvements in user’s access to knowledge and control over their data. Projects may include coordinated awareness and protest efforts, temporary account deactivations, and migration to services that demonstrate commitment to user-centric ideals in terms of data management.

Join here (on Facebook, of course) : https://www.facebook.com/Internet-User-Union-1283196705113225/

