Traveling through Words

Traveling through the WORDS

Odd Corner
2 min readJun 30, 2024


We all love visiting new places, exploring, and learning about new cultures, but most of this happens on videos, where we all usually watch vlogs of other people traveling around the world.

But a generation before us didn’t have social media to explore the world. They didn’t have travel vloggers, but they were intelligent, wise, and full of creativity. You must be thinking How?

This is how! they used to read books and ponder upon them. This was a mod of learning and exploring for them.

There are millions of books available today but not many readers so I decided to be One. I was overwhelmed by the choices available, so I decided to search for the most famous to least famous books, and I wasn’t surprised to know that religious books have always been famous in the history of human civilization.

So I decided to give it a go since I wanted to see the world through the eyes of a book. I chose the Quran because it’s been sitting on a shelf in my house for a very long time.

What you’re about to read next is my first trip through the eyes of a book. It's the first page of the book.

It’s called [THE OPENING]

I am in a world that Looks like our world. I could understand the birds, trees, wind, and even the clouds. It feels amazing. Everything is praising someone called ALLAH.

It feels like the air, mountains, trees, and animals, everything around me saying their owner is praiseworthy. He is the most beneficent and the most merciful. I can see this world is worshipping its owner.

As I was walking around, I saw signs saying the day of resurrection.

I was confused about what this was about, but I didn’t pay much attention as I was distracted by a group of people praying, and they were saying we worship you alone and we call upon you for help. I couldn’t see anyone there. They were asking for guidance to the PATH. The path of the CHOSEN ones. They also asked to be saved from being ASTRAY. As I was watching these people, I was getting more confused about what was happening.

Who are these people?

What is the DAY of Resurrection?

What is the PATH of guidance?

Who are the CHOSEN ones?

And the biggest QUESTION of all

Who is ALLAH?

Will I get the answers on the next page? See how this mystery unfolds to find out. Stay connected and read the Qur’an.



Odd Corner

O man! What is it that lures you away from your bountiful Sustainer