Child of the '80s - Saturday morning cartoons, no cell phones, no internet, roaming the neighborhood all day before the age of 10.

Teen of the '90s - payphones...beepers...cell phones...internet...and yet somehow there is little to no evidence of how we managed to survive that decade!

Like many of my age, I'm still processing those years and wondering how in the frack we managed to make it out alive...I know quite a few who didn't. On the occasion that I write these days, it's usually about my own evil body trying to finish off what the 90s didn't, or my general outrage about our current shit-tastic world.

When I'm not in a flare or homeschooling my girls, I'm busy trying to run the world...eeehhh...keep my finances afloat with my business

Medium member since October 2023
Odd Mom Jess

Odd Mom Jess

She/Her old school #homeschool mom with a foul mouth. and my side hustles have side hustles because chronic illness is expensive!