How the heck was oDD BOi born?

oDDverse : oDD BOi + oDD bOOG
2 min readApr 7, 2023


Making oDD BOi, all his various states and traits has been pretty dang fun and a rewarding artist endeavor. this little meaty duder started out as a rare trait for oDD bOOG NFT (the parent project of oDD BOi) the team and I were so pumped on him that we started throwing around ideas of him having his own project, we hit pause on oDDbOOG and decided to let oDD BOi have his time to shine. We had a great starting place, already had a design and character that we loved, he just needed a little polish and traits that fit his personality and worked well with oDD bOOG. So i started painting him up, of course! one of the things we wanted to capture was the feeling of a painted character, I accomplish this look by painting in photoshop, I start with a rough sketch, then blocked in color, then start to polish by painting in texture and lighting much like you would with traditional paints, only i have the benefit of layers, adjustments, undo, and no actual paint to cleanup, that’s real nice. At this point is messing around with layers to see how the look and make sure they work well together. shit’s fun!

Bryan Lashelle, Artist — oDD BOi

oDD bOOG — daddy to oDD BOi. Both BOi + bOOG part of oDDverse ecosystem.
oDD BOi origins — started as a rare trait for oDD bOOG

oDD BOi is a FREE mint.
April 10th, 12pm EST

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