Stellerro: The need and the solution

Oded van Kloeten
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2019

Following frequent questions from curios individuals: A quick overview of how Stellerro came to be.

Who we are

Stellerro is an Israel based alternative investment banking platform. We tokenize fully compliant assets and provide technology, issuance, marketing as well as underwriting and investor distribution for our clients entering the blockchain market.

Stellerro acts as a bridge between traditional capital markets and the innovative world of digital securities based on Blockchain technologies. We have collaborated with top global financial institutions and investment funds as dedicated partners to enhance the integration of both ecosystems.

How we got here

After assessing the current state of traditional capital markets we concluded that these markets are ultimately irrelevant for start-ups, small businesses and even entrepreneurs with diversity of assets. It is estimated that by 2022 at least 15% of all traditional financial instruments will be backed by digital securities. We decided to enter the arena early and become one of the big hitters by assisting clients to create successful Security Token Offerings (STO) for the last couple of years. With more than 10 projects up and running on various stages of STO, we have gained the knowledge and mastered all aspects of the ecosystem. We believe that a successful STO of our own will be the perfect showcase of the huge potential of STOs.

The end product

In a three tier structure, Stellero aims to dominate the alternative investments market by bringing liquidity to the digital era in a bottom up approach. We will begin by introducing the STO structure to small and medium sized businesses such as real estate, start-ups and innovative tech in order to execute a full fundraising round for fractional holdings and revenue-share.

By 2020 we aim to begin tier 2, which consists of private capitals and VC holdings taking part in issuing a new digital asset class. This creates an opportunity for those involved to lead the pack of innovative alternative investment opportunities. Finally, by 2022 we will reach tier 3, public companies and institutional conglomerates. The digital securities industry will allow these companies to diversify by liquidating debts, financial assets, pensions and corporate funds.

At this point in the 21st century it is quite evident that technology is growing at a rapid pace, in light of this, physical currency and assets are starting to become irrelevant and digital currency/assets are taking their place. At Stellerro we realize this trend is apparent in new industries every year, for this very reason we decided to “get in on the ground floor”.

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