Want To Invest In Cryptocurrency? Keep These Things in Mind

Pawan Kumar
3 min readApr 2, 2019



Digital money has caused a financial frenzy.

And, with the revolution in technology, more and more people are investing in cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrencies have always been in the spotlight and are still ruling the digital world. Apart from using it for digital transactions, people use it for investment purposes as well. However, it has yet given the dubious notion because of being too young and owning the market that is too volatile.

But, there’s no denying that digital currency has a lot of power.

So, do you also want to enter the crypto world but don’t know from where to start?

Well, worry not!

Here are the things you must keep in mind before investing in Cryptocurrencies.

· Cryptocurrency Is A Roller Coaster Ride

Before you dive into the crypto world, set your mind for a roller coaster ride because digital money is a volatile asset. Volatility in the crypto world means measuring the price movements with time for a traded asset.

So, if you are not ready for peaks of 200–300% and then a direct drop of 100%, contact a crypto professional. But, make sure you learn about Cryptocurrencies before plunging deep into this world.

Moreover, making a profit in cryptocurrency depends on your luck, risk appetite and your knowledge.

· Cryptocurrency Is Not Bitcoins

Many people still get confused between Bitcoins and Cryptocurrency.

Well, cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital currency that is transferred between peers whereas Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency.


Apart from bitcoins, there are various cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Litecoin etc. These currencies are known as Altcoins. So, before investing make sure you know about Altcoins.

· Know The Risks

The first rule of investing — don’t invest more than you can afford to lose.

There are a seemingly endless number of horror stories about crypto-millionaires thinking that their funds will continue to grow forever, thus missing the opportunity to sell for profit. Now they are stuck waiting for the next bull run.

· Scams

Besides the known risks of the crypto world, there are scammers you need to refrain from. Over the last couple of years, many scams have plagued the crypto sector. As unfortunate as this is, many hackers and agents have been looting unsuspecting investors since bitcoin came into limelight.


With an exhaustive list of crypto scams in existence, it’s impossible to know everything about each scam. However, maintain a skeptical mind and perform fact checks with third party sources before investing.

· The Power Of Trustworthy Cryptocurrency Exchange

If you’re just starting to invest in cryptocurrency, you need a platform to buy and sell your coins. These platforms are cryptocurrency exchange.

Many platforms allow you to buy the currency with “fiat currency,” using debit and credit cards and while selling, you can redeem the money through a platform such as PayPal.

So, before you invest in digital currency, choose a crypto exchange that offers proper security measures.

Finally, before you invest in the cryptocurrency market, make sure you’re well aware of the crypto world and its risks. When getting started, it is advisable to go for more considerable assets such as Bitcoin, or Ethereum.

So, no matter what you’re investing in, act smart, and you’ll earn more.

