500 Words On: What Status as an official United Kingdom Cooperative Organization Could Mean for ODIN.

ODIN Blockchain
3 min readAug 12, 2019


ODIN aims to improve the world through a network of open source cooperatively built mobile applications with a focus on privacy and decentralization.

What is a Co-operative?

Cooperative — a jointly owned enterprise engaging in the production or distribution of goods or the supplying of services, operated by its members for their mutual benefit, typically organized by consumers (Dictionary.com)

“The network for Britain’s thousands of co-operative businesses, Co-operatives UK works to promote, develop and unite member-owned business worth £36 billion to the British economy…Our mission is to grow the co-operative economy and together we work to promote, develop and unite co-operatives across all sectors, from major high street retailers and large agricultural businesses to community owned pubs and credit unions.” (Uk.Coop)

Promotional Campaigns

We bring co-operatives together to campaign on vital issues, raise awareness of co-operative businesses and help create a level playing field for the start-up and growth of co-operatives.

Access to a Vibrant Network of other Cooperatives and Co-op Sponsored Events

Events like Co-operative Fortnight bring together individuals striving to make the world a better place through cooperative efforts.

While this event has recently come and gone, I thought it an excellent chance to give our community an idea of what it means to be apart of this network. Give this promotional video a watch to better understand what it means to be an official United Kingdom Cooperative.

Additional *Potential* Benefits Provided to ODIN

  • Registering as an official United Kingdom Cooperative organization, while maintaining ODIN Society allows for benefits similar to those bestowed upon an LLC. These may include but are not limited to: access to business banking accounts, limited liability, protection of individuals, etc.
  • Access to a bevy of benefits provided by the United Kingdom network of cooperatives including potential grants and funding that can then be used for development, marketing, and the likes.
  • When gaining official United Kingdom Cooperative status, ODIN essentially receives a cosign from the governing body. This official status can be viewed as a cosign of sorts, further legitimizing the project.
  • Another exciting perk: official recognition by the governing bodies allow us access to a cooperative workspace for ODIN core team members in the United Kingdom.
  • Finally, the cooperative network includes hundreds of businesses generating literal billions of dollars. Being apart of this will open unimaginable doors and allows us to fullfill our mission of providing blockchain-based products and services to the general population, making their lives that much better.

Where do I find out more about ODIN?

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ODIN Blockchain

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