ODIN Blockchain — A Timeline

ODIN Blockchain
6 min readDec 2, 2019


ODIN aims to improve the world through a network of open source cooperatively built mobile applications with a focus on privacy and decentralization.


ODIN Blockchain, a proof of stake mobile-focused privacy platform founded in early 2018 has come quite some way. This article will present important milestones technically and otherwise that have transpired as we close in on our first calendar year together.

May 2018

ODIN Blockchain is announced
Whispers of a Norse themed privacy platform begin to stir. We are introduced to a teaser of ODIN Blockchain.

June 2018

ODIN Blockchain’s Test Net is Launched
Per standard blockchain protocol, ODIN’s blockchain enters its TestNet phase. This allows for any bugs, kinks, or otherwise unsavory findings to be hashed out prior to MainNet launch.

July 2018

Official ODIN Blockchain Website is Launched, Initial White Paper Publication is Revealed, and Redemption Portal Launch Date Announced
The first bricks have lain. ODIN begins rolling out various forms of public-facing information as the community eagerly awaits launch details.

August 2018

Official ODIN Blockchain Social Media Pages Secured and Announced
Communication is key. ODIN secures various official socials to allow for seamless communication across all major social media platforms.

September 2018

Redemption Portal ‘Lock-in’ Period Begins, Main Chain Goes Live, ODIN’s First Core Wallet Releases Across Multiple Platforms
ODIN’s redemption portal allows prospective coin holders to petition for and ‘lock-in’ entitled coins. ODIN’s Blockchain exits TestNet and enters MainNet proof of work ‘pre-mine’ before switching solely to proof of stake. The official core wallet is released for Linux, macOS, and Windows Operating Systems.

October 2018

KYC and AML portal registrants submit claims, ODIN’s Block Explorer is released, More than 1,000 ODIN Masternodes go online, and the first official roadmap is released.
ODIN opens its claim portal to prospective $ODIN recipients allowing for future legal recommendations in line with tier 1 exchange listing requirements. ODIN’s Masternode network proofs to be a hit, with more than 1,000 going online. The community is given its first glimpse at concrete details via an official roadmap publication.

November 2018

KYC and AML ‘legacy data’ from the redemption portal is purged, Exchange listings begin with BlockNet, a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange.
All know your customer and anti-money laundering redemption portal data is purged in line with ODIN’s privacy ideals. ODIN lists to its first of many public exchanges, BlockNet.

December 2018

ODIN Receives its second Cryptocurrency Exchange Listing on CryptoBridge, Core team prepares for its first full calendar year.
Keeping up with November’s exchange listing momentum, ODIN secures its second public exchange listing with CryptoBridge. The core team sets its eyes on a 2019 blockchain-driven messenger laden with privacy and security features.

January 2019

ODIN’s Privacy Messenger Development Continues, The ODIN Community Receives news of the now infamous ‘Cryptopia Hack’
The ODIN community is given its first real updates regarding the internal development of what will come to be ODIN.Chat. Later this month the community reels at the news of a Cryptopia hack. In retrospect, the delayed listing of ODIN on Cryptopia is nothing but good news as we as a whole faded the prospects of lost coins resulting from the now-infamous hack.

February 2019

ODIN’s Superblock Proposal Portal Enters Community-Led Testing
ODIN’s lifeblood is that of a successful and involved community. The revelation of our Superblock proposal funding only makes that ring truer. This month we saw community leg proposal initiatives put forth for consideration and voting on by the Masternode holding community members.

March 2019

ODIN’s Brand Identity is defined. Early governance structure begins to emerge.
ODIN Blockchain wants you to know we aim to improve the world through a network of open source cooperatively built mobile applications with a focus on privacy and decentralization. This ethos is what guides us. In recognition that ‘good’ tech is built by ‘good’ people, ODIN starts to form what will come to be ODIN Society, the governing body behind ODIN Blockchain.

April 2019

ODIN’s private messenger enters final internal testing, Superblock Proposal Portal is teased.
ODIN.Chat enters its final round of internal testing. The community is given the opportunity to assist in the development through testing and feedback around user interface and general overall user experience. Additionally, the Superblock Proposal Portal is teased. The integration of this proposal portal allows for those less than expertly qualified technically to put forth a proposal for the masternode holding community members to consider and vote upon.

May 2019

ODIN.Chat, ODIN Blockchain’s flagship application launches alongside ODIN Swag!
The ODIN community is delivered the world's first blockchain-driven private messenger, ODIN.Chat. Alongside this, ODIN Society member, Isaboa launches ODIN Swag, a one-stop-shop for all of your crypto merchandise needs!

June 2019

ODIN Society is formed. M.A.S.H Masternode Hosting is Launched.
Reflecting on what would be a fitting governance structure, ODIN Society was formed. All members of the ODIN Society hold equal voting power and discuss and vote upon internally all official ODIN Blockchain ongoings. Alongside the formation of ODIN Society the community was introduced to our in-house masternode hosting solution, M.A.S.H., the easiest place to set up and host your ODIN Masternodes.

July 2019

M.A.S.H. and ODIN.Chat both receive a facelifts alongside a fresh Masternode Proposal Portal Build, ODIN Society Pledges 500,000.00 $ODIN to Global Sustainability Developmental Goals
Holding true to our values of sustainability and ongoing development, both M.A.S.H and ODIN.Chat receive updates based on community feedback and internal audits of their respective core codebases, improving overall user experience. ODIN Society also decides to pledge 500,000.00 $ODIN, regardless of price, to the Global Sustainability Developmental Goals. At ODIN, we believe in leaving the world a little bit better than we found it. This initiative allows for our governing body and community to do just that.

August 2019

ODIN Society Submits robust documentation to the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority, SegWit protocol enters TestNet on ODIN’s blockchain.
Chief among ODIN’s core values are general decentralization. The ultimate goal of ODIN Blockchain is to have a truly Decentralized Autonomous Organization, eliminating human biases and error. The first step toward this goal was seeking recognition from the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority. On the tech side of development, we saw SegWit enter its first successful implementation on the ODIN Blockchain TestNet.

September 2019

M.A.S.H. continues to receive developmental updates, this time with M.A.S.H. credit system implementation. FORGE passes its first Superblock proposal voting cycling.
The development of our products continue with another M.A.S.H. update, this time with the revelation of a credit system. Additionally, FORGE, a community-led initiative aimed at creating a daemon, forged, that you can download and run alongside ODINd (the ODIN daemon). This initial version of FORGE extends the capabilities of the ODIN blockchain to enable the following features Decentralized DNS, ODIN address DNS service, Unique tokens, hash sums in blockchain, create utility tokens, improve the Identity system, and generate collectible tokens.

October 2019

ODIN Blockchain presents at ‘The Voice of Blockchain’ in Chicago, The United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority grants ODIN Society non-profit workers cooperative status.
ODIN Blockchain and current standing ODIN Society Chairperson, Vaughn Bullock presented at a highly anticipated panel geared at the ‘future of privacy’ at ‘The Voice of Blockchain’ conference in Chicago. This event was capped with the good news of ODIN Society becoming the first blockchain-based organization to receive official non-profit workers' cooperative status by the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority.

November 2019

ODIN Society secures a physical headquarters, prepares for our second core wallet launch and eyes an end-of-year ‘App Store’ submission for ODIN.Chat.
ODIN Society was again bestowed great news stemming from the FCA status as a non-profit workers cooperative. This news came in the form of incubator funding allowing for the securing of a physical headquarters at the Federation House, Manchester. Additionally, it was announced to the community that the development of ODIN.Chat for iOS has entered its final stretch with an official ‘App Store’ submission anticipated before the end of the year.

Where do I find out more about ODIN?

Discord Reddit Telegram ODIN Blockchain M.A.S.H. ODIN.Chat

Read more about how to get Ø(ODIN) here.



ODIN Blockchain

Privacy tools and knowledge supported by ODIN Society. We develop and support non-profit and charitable projects. https://www.reddit.com/r/OdinBlockchain/