ODIN Privacy Blockchain — Governors Report #003

Weekly Report #003

ODIN Blockchain
3 min readFeb 20, 2019

On Mondays via conference call, our ODIN Governors update one another on the status of their current commitments. Here we are initiating consistent documentation of each weekly update, in an evolving format. We appreciate feedback from the ODIN community on how we can improve the format and content of this report going forward. Below is our write-up from yesterday’s discussions between ODIN Governors.

For this weekly report and all others to follow, we’re going to be dividing the information into 4 sections: Messenger, Platform, Ecosystem, and Brand/Design. We’ve been working within 4 Trello boards with the categories above. This way, we’re able to streamline the tasks we’re actively working on into our weekly reports.

ODIN Technology Progress

  • Coordinated with Developer (Vin) on improvements to the MVP ODIN messenger and bug fixes for integration with the final release version of the ODIN app.
  • Started working on landing page wireframe from ODIN messenger. This will help Pete prepare for detailed design work.
  • Began a collaboration channel with various community members to help brainstorm use cases for ODIN.
  • Some of these use cases are ‘premium features’ in the messenger application that could require a small fee or coin burn to use. These include things such as sticker packs or titles that can be used within the messenger.


  • Collated initial ODIN Masternode Hosting frontend User Stories, and planned initial MVP requirements (TBC) for the release version of MASH.


  • The Governors Report was revised. Each Governor now responds to a form following each weekly conference call with the rest of the Governance Team. This leaves each Governor responsible for their own write-up of their contributions for the week.
  • LastPass Teams (https://teams.lastpass.com/) is being trialed for the shared access of account credentials between The Governance Team.
  • We have started drafting out user acquisition approach for ODIN Blockchain. We have a separate approach prepared for ODIN Messenger. For ODIN Blockchain, Dalton (Hypo) had an idea for discord advertising by reaching out to other crypto projects we feel have a good synergy with. The purpose of these ads is to jointly promote each other’s projects.
  • This week, we’re preparing a Twitter social media approach that we can sustain and build out. Twitter is a key platform for the cryptocurrency community.
  • We want our community to have all the resources at their fingertips when it comes to the ODIN ecosystem. Cam and Dalton have been constantly tweaking and improving QoL (Quality of Life) of our Discord server. We recently configured the @mee6 bot to send a very informative direct message to our new users upon joining. Here’s a sneak peek of what this message looks like:


  • Initialized a new ‘ODIN Design’ Trello Board specifically for the rest of the team (Governors and relevant collaborators) to request on-brand ODIN graphics/illustrations and UI elements from Pete, so they can be prioritized and delivered in good time.
  • Archiving of community generated art/memes has been started. Some of these pieces may be reused in social media or for inspiration in other marketing endeavors.
  • Researched competitor branding and market positioning and established ODIN’s brand position. We will write a separate Medium post for this work. This will lay the foundation for the direction of ODIN.



ODIN Blockchain

Privacy tools and knowledge supported by ODIN Society. We develop and support non-profit and charitable projects. https://www.reddit.com/r/OdinBlockchain/