ODIN Governors Report #006

Every week all of the ODIN Governance Team provide updates as to the status of their current commitments on a conference call. Here we collate this into a report detailing points from the most recent Governors meeting.

ODIN Blockchain
4 min readMar 13, 2019

Global Governors and Collaborator Update

We would like to welcome Chris Haslam (@z3n in Discord) as our latest addition to the Governance Team, collaborating across the development teams in multiple ways. His technical and business experience is vast.

Chris will help with Github management and documentation, refining the Docker-ized ODIN daemon for use in MASH and individual VPS hosting setups. He brings forward his business acumen and connections to other esteemed developers and investors in other projects such as Bitcoin Core, Dash, and PIVX.

We also Danny (Pelsjager) back helping out with the various ecosystem and community areas of responsibility, as well as several new community collaborators working with us in a range of areas and look forward to highlighting notable work in the coming weeks.

odin.chat progress

  • The first iteration of our upcoming ODIN App is now available to a select group of 10 dedicated alpha testers via the Google Play Store. User feedback is collated on an exclusive Trello board, and private Discord channel for all testers to submit feedback.
  • The App team is working to collate and prioritize feedback for iterative, weekly updates of the ODIN App, rolled out professionally through the Google Play Store. This will become the launch product.
  • We are in the middle of building a dedicated website for the app, which will be launching soon.
  • Check out the block explorer for ODIN’s first confirmed mobile wallet transaction!
  • What do you think of our new ODIN Blockchain developer page?
  • We have also been creating additional graphics and iconography to accompany the official Google Play Store listing.
Initial draft design assets for the Google Play store, to accompany the odin.chat app listing. Subject to change.

Platform progress

New UI designs and features are being implemented on the upcoming ODIN Massive Automated Scalable Hosting (MASH) launch. Stay tuned for a sneak-peek.

ODIN seed nodes have been transferred to fresh droplet installations. This will serve to assist in our self-sustainability as a project and optimize ODIN seed node distribution around the globe.

As mentioned above, new to the Governance team, Chris is focusing his efforts in the ODIN Platform area, working closely with our long term Platform lead, Lance, to ensure the code repositories for the ODIN Blockchain Github organization are easy to use and highly scalable, once we open everything up to embrace new developers coming onboard.

We met up with one of the founders of DashRoots to discuss collaboration over many goals they share in common with ODIN’s, focusing particularly on growth and evolving a self-funding collaborative community through the use of largely automated processes, i.e. without the need of masternode proposals.

Ecosystem updates

The ODIN Technical Wiki has seen its share of updates on the following pages: Getting ODIN, ODIN Clients, and ODIN Blockchain Seeds.

This week marks the start of our Twitter campaign for engaging with strategic organizations and individuals. We will be ramping up our campaign with some original content over the two coming two weeks as part of the outreach.

We are researching and identifying universities and courses with relevant topics that align with our brand identity. This is part of our strategy for growing both awareness and collaboration in ODIN.

Ongoing work is being carried out to investigate how we can further use existing technology we have developed, and leverage both our technical and community infrastructures for good causes.

We are talking with other organizations, including exchanges, about partnerships and strategy alignment. These conversations often take some time to come to fruition, and when we have more tangible news to publish on this front, it will feature in our weekly governance report.

Some Final Words

  • Pixxl | Vaughn — At ODIN, we’re always looking to increase our technical contributors. If you, or anyone you know, would like to get involved with blockchain development and has experience with JavaScript please reach out to us!



ODIN Blockchain

Privacy tools and knowledge supported by ODIN Society. We develop and support non-profit and charitable projects. https://www.reddit.com/r/OdinBlockchain/