ODIN Society Memberships 2020

ODIN Blockchain
5 min readJan 3, 2020


ODIN aims to improve the world through a network of open source cooperatively built mobile applications with a focus on privacy and decentralization.


As a means of ensuring the technological assets, intellectual property, and spirit of all things that are ODIN Blockchain, we have formed a cooperative of digital engineers and privacy advocates in the ODIN Society. This article will serve as a brief introduction to the membership joining process and an explanation of the rights, privileges, and general governance operations bestowed upon the various tiers.

It is important to note that all fees for all tiers of ODIN Society memberships are exclusively paid in ODIN coins, and publicly burned on at least a monthly basis by a designated Tier 3 member. This immediately provides another coherent use case for ODIN coins.

s.e.o. (search engine optimization) —
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. (moz.com)

ODIN Society — ODIN Society (OS) is a non-profit organization with a flat operational structure. Currently, the Chairperson and Secretary are voted in by the members on a quarterly basis. OS has been founded by an initial nine members who show a commitment to co-operative values and principles. Together we collaborate with our community, working to grow and expand our vision.

ODIN Society Member Tier 1–(New Members)

Upon enrolment as an OS member, you will gain access to our member-only ODIN Society Discord server. You will need to sign a user agreement promising no unlawfulness at this gateway otherwise, your membership will be voided immediately and you will be banned from the ODIN Society and associated channels. Some channels may be read-only for Tier 1 members. By default, new OS Tier 1 members have a 90 days ‘probation period’, after which they become eligible for application to become a Tier 2 OS member.

Tier 1 benefits and responsibilities

  • Access to read and contribute to information across many project areas which OS members openly discuss in confidence, on our private Discord channels.
  • Added to the official ODIN Society Co-operative Members page, and Official LinkedIn page as a team member, an opt-in benefit which you can choose on registration.
  • After a default three months ‘probationary’ period, Tier 1 OS Members qualify for application to become ‘Tier 2’ OS Members.

Tier 1 Registration Process

  • Agree and sign OS Membership agreement and ODIN Society NDA.
  • 5000 ODIN membership fee (approximately $10) which is a one-off payment for the entirety of a single membership. All Tier 1 memberships last until deregistration.

ODIN Society Member Tier 2 — (Official Team Members)

Registration Process

  • Either successfully passed the three months probationary period, or completed a satisfactory Fit and Proper person test as per Tier 1.
  • Agreed and signed the relevant Tier 1 OS Membership docs.
  • Added to the official ODIN Society Co-operative Members page, and Official LinkedIn page as a team member. This is an opt-out benefit which you can choose on application.
  • Get voted in by at least two existing Tier 2 OS Members.
  • 10,000 ODIN quarterly (three-monthly) membership fee. There is a discounted rate for those who pre-pay for longer periods of membership. An existing Tier 2 member can also choose to send 150,000 ODIN for a lifetime membership.


  • Monthly proportional ODIN rebate, paid from ODIN Foundation multisig.
  • This is paid per Tier 2 member, as a dynamically allocated proportion of 4000 ODIN per month, multiplied by the number of Tier 2 Team members. Example: Ten ‘Tier 2 members’ would be mean that at the end of each month 40,000 ODIN would be distributed between the ten members based on their work output for ODIN Society over the previous month.
  • OS Voting capabilities, including contributing to the Monthly Proportional ODIN Rebate Voting.
  • Able to recommend/put forward new ODIN Society Tier 2 members.
  • On the official ODIN Society team page, and ODIN Society LinkedIn page.

ODIN Society Member Tier 3 — (Custodians and Statutory Directors)

Registration Process

  • Pass an Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Client (KYC) check carried out by an independent third party.
  • Agree and sign OS Custodian agreements which include a Fit and Proper Person test.
  • Two successful majority votes:
  • Stage One: Voted in by a majority of existing Tier 2 OS Members.
  • Stage Two: Voted in through a successful ODIN Masternode Proposal (which is effectively a binary decision with 5000 ODIN as the fee). The fee must be publicly burned within 30 days of receipt.
  • A masternode proposal submission must be put forward, and a template MN Proposal can be defined for reuse and customization by each new OS Custodian):
  • 50,000 ODIN quarterly membership fee, or a 150,000 ODIN membership fee for one year. This will in future be completed through an automated membership portal.

Rights and responsibilities

  • Statutory Directors of ODIN Society Co-operative.
  • Named role on the Official ODIN Team page, and LinkedIn page.
  • One of the multi-signatories on the ODIN Foundation multisig wallet.
  • Co-signatory on the ODIN Bank Account.
  • Full access to all social media accounts and ‘Owner’ roles on the ODIN Github.
  • Chairperson and Secretary have full access to the official ODIN Paypal account.
  • 50,000 ODIN paid monthly from the ODIN Foundation multisig. This incentivises and rewards Tier 3 members as duties, responsibilities, and the like grow with ascension through the Tiers.
  • All other rights are inherited from Tier 2 membership rights.

Community merge and migration to the official ODIN Reddit

Simplifying and improving our community engagement and growth.

The reasoning here is multifaceted, centered around bringing together the Telegram and Discord communities, providing a safer and more cohesive place for our community through combining our support channels and announcements on the official ODIN Blockchain Reddit.

We learnt that there was a great deal of friction caused by the dilution of support across three community spaces, and found Telegram and Discord to be, by definition, exclusionary to those without accounts – with no way for new people to discover the information and support outside of those platforms.

Telegram and Discord are ‘closed box’ systems in that any and all discussion within their systems are relegated to stay within the ‘closed box’ and will not populate search engines, and as such prevent new users discovering the ODIN ecosystem and support mechanisms.

I’ve been a passive and or active participant in the ODIN Discord and Telegram, what does this mean for me?

Our general ODIN Telegram channel has become the ODIN Blockchain Announcement Telegram, for those keen on following progress updates in a read-only fashion. Discord is now used for ODIN Society members, and anyone is welcome to join following the terms above.

We highly encourage you to take advantage of the free user signup at Reddit and join us on our official page.



ODIN Blockchain

Privacy tools and knowledge supported by ODIN Society. We develop and support non-profit and charitable projects. https://www.reddit.com/r/OdinBlockchain/