Why Form ODIN Society? I’ll Tell You.

ODIN Blockchain
4 min readAug 5, 2019


ODIN aims to improve the world through a network of open source cooperatively built mobile applications with a focus on privacy and decentralization.

ODIN Society (OS) is a non-profit organization with a flat operational structure. Currently, the Chairperson and Secretary are voted in by the members on a quarterly basis. OS has been founded by an initial nine members who show a commitment to co-operative values and principles. Together we collaborate with our community, working together to grow and expand our vision.


Flat Organization Structure — A flat organization refers to an organization structure with few or no levels of management between management and staff level employees. The flat organization supervises employees less while promoting their increased involvement in the decision-making process.

In the case of ODIN Society — No member ‘outranks’ another. That means my vote is as powerful as Pete’s whose is as powerful as Vaugn’s (Pixxl) whose is as powerful as Andre’s (The Mitigator) and so on and so forth.

Cooperative — a jointly owned enterprise engaging in the production or distribution of goods or the supplying of services, operated by its members for their mutual benefit, typically organized by consumers (Dictionary.com)

Nonprofit Organization — A nonprofit organization is a business that has been granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) because it furthers a social cause and provides a public benefit. (Investopedia)

In the case of ODIN Society — we seek to provide the public with free and accessible access to services aimed at increasing personal privacy. Additionally, all profits generated from revenue sources are re-invested into the development of the overall ODIN ecosphere.

An International Collective

ODIN Society: The Founding Nine

From left to right: (Dalton Faguy, Alperen Aydin, Andre Castagnola, Vaughn Bullock, Chris Haslam, Joe Carr, Toby Worth, Pete McClory, Chris Reeder)

ODIN Society, made up of nine members spanning several continents is an international collective hell bent on tackling management, technology, marketing, and community governance in the blockchain space on behalf of our user base to provide them both quality products and services geared at privacy.

Diverse Backgrounds

From educators and artists to blockchain and general technical developers and everything in between, our collective gives unique perspective within the space. We lean on our experiences, upbringings, and incredibly wide knowledge bases to provide our community with blockchain-based solutions and services that are both cutting edge and easy to use.

Our team structure is as such:


Chairperson — Vaughn Bullock.

Secretary — Chris Reeder.

Governance Officer — Andre Castagnola.

Legal Advisory — Outsourced.

Human Resources — Joe Carr, Chris Reeder.

Treasurer — Joe Carr.

Blockchain — Vaughn Bullock, Toby Worth, Additional Collaborators.

Infrastructure — Chris Haslam, Vaughn Bullock, Additional Collaborators.

iOS and Android Development — Toby Worth, Vaughn Bullock.

Web Development — Pete McClory, Vaughn Bullock, Additional Collaborators.

Developer Onboarding — Vaughn Bullock, Toby Worth, Chris Haslam, Additional Collaborators.

Business Development — Chris Haslam, Pete McClory.

Content strategy — Chris Reeder, Pete McClory.

Social Media — Chris Reeder, Dalton Faguy, Alperen Aydin, Joe Carr.

Design — Pete McClory, Joe Carr.

Community Governance:

Community management — Joe Carr, Dalton Faguy, Alperen Aydin, Additional Collaborators.

Discord Community moderators — All our team, plus community collaborators.

Telegram Community moderators — All our team, plus community collaborators.


As briefly mentioned before, ODIN Society has adopted a flat voting structure — giving all members equal authority and power in the decision-making process. Opting for a flat structure was a crucial organizational decision geared and creating safeguards against tyranny, bad actors, and general imbalance within the organization.

When does voting amongst Society members occur?

Voting takes place reasonably often and might include any number of the following scenarios amongst others:

  • Allocation of ODIN related funding (whether it be marketing, development, etc.)
  • Admitting additional Society members.
  • Removing current Society members.
  • Decisions regarding branding and core values.

How many votes are needed to move forward with an internal proposal successfully?

A simple majority. In the case of the founding nine, five of nine votes are required before initiatives are continued with.

Are any individuals vote weighted more heavily than another?

No. Being that ODIN Society is a flat organizational structure, all votes are created equal.

Once admitted into ODIN Society, are you in indefinitely?

While the finer details of this are still being discussed in regards to the length of the term, there will be a recurring time frame by which members of ODIN Society will be up for ‘evaluation’ of sorts. At which time, their standing within the Society will be renewed or terminated.

Are Society members bound to a contractual length of time?

No. Any Society member may at any time leave their position within Society. At which time, all of their access to confidential information and ODIN related accounts will be relinquished.

Where do I find out more about ODIN?

Discord Reddit Telegram ODIN Blockchain M.A.S.H. Odin.Chat

Read more about how to get Ø(ODIN) here.

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ODIN Blockchain

Privacy tools and knowledge supported by ODIN Society. We develop and support non-profit and charitable projects. https://www.reddit.com/r/OdinBlockchain/