Challenge accepted

What doesn’t challenge you doesn’t make you change

Fernando Nunes
5 min readAug 24, 2022
Photo by Charles Nunes, from Pexels

São Leopoldo, August 24, by Fernando Nunes — Yes, I made a challenge for myself. It is said that the Gemini has two personalities, an angel and a devil in one body. I strongly disagree, I would say this is not being two-faced, but having a strong personality. And this is not for those who want, only for those who can. Like clear eyes, which I have too.

But you don’t have to be too jealous, because there are other things about my personality that I fight day and night to go against. It’s that story of seeing the glass half full, you can see it half empty or half full. And I tend to always go with the first option. In other words, unfortunately I never really believed in myself until my first 40 years of life. And nothing better than a challenge to prove that yes, I can do it. I want to and I can!

So read more: Superação não é para qualquer um

The challenge of becoming the protagonist of your own life

When you realize that you’ve been sitting in the audience for a long time, things start to become clearer. It’s that time when you decide to change the side of the counter, that is, decide to be the director of the show. In other words, it establishes that it’s time to take the reins of your life and go after what you’ve always dreamed of.

  • It’s no use dreaming and not realizing;
  • Change comes from changing habits;
  • Nothing like challenging yourself, proving yourself that you can.

It’s that old maxim, which you must be tired of knowing, even if you keep doing nothing, you don’t change doing the same things. Also, you can’t be a mechanic without getting your hands dirty and only read those who decide to write. Likewise, the climb does not start at the top.

That’s the dumbest thing ever, right? I think so too, but (my) tendency has always been to look at the result and not what needs to be done to get there. In addition, anxiety and impatience always demanded quick results and in a short time.

So, also check out: Problema nosso de cada dia

Photo by Cecilie_Arcurs, from Canva Pro

It’s no use dreaming and not realizing

Yes, I’ve always been a dreamy child. Besides, I already imagined my future with lots of money, cars and giant houses. However, in adolescence I continued with bigger dreams than my attitudes showed and that I realized.

College, adulthood, marriage, kids, divorce, jobs you didn’t like, and so on. But I never stopped dreaming, just as I didn’t run after. At first there was no way it could work, and it didn’t; then, life gave that slap with an open hand to take it in stride.

It took more than 30 years to really understand that it wasn’t cars, money, photography that made my eyes shine. But yes, besides my children, it was the lyrics that made my heart beat faster. And that I needed to act.

Change comes from changing habits

There’s not much of a secret. In fact, life doesn’t have many secrets or complex things, it’s small accomplishments that make the whole difference.

You don’t lose weight doing fancy diets, but yes, it will be necessary to make sacrifices. In other words, you only lose weight by improving your diet and doing physical activity. Except for complex cases, it’s that simple. The formula is simple, execution requires sacrifices (own experience).

I always wanted to write, but the excuses and procrastination never left me. The day I actually decided to do it differently to get different results, I had no other alternative. That is, I continued with the excuses or put my hand in the dough, I mean, with paper and pen.

Prove yourself you can: do challenges

If you’ve made it this far in reading, I hope you’re not rolling your eyes and have already stopped huffing. Well, yes, it’s all easy, but you still don’t do it. In other words, challenge yourself, and make these challenges clear, not only for you, but for the public, friends, and family.

Thus, there is a greater chance that you will not suffer from imposter syndrome and start sabotaging yourself. These are challenges that will make you go this far, it will become a habit and soon it will be a routine in your daily life, as natural as breathing, for example.

My fight

What doesn’t challenge you, doesn’t make you change. That sentence was written on the wall of the Body Core gym, which I attended for a good two and a half years. Therefore, there is no way to want to live from writing without writing, but to sit down and produce.

If I wait for inspiration, or the Muse, as Steven Pressfield says in the book The War of Art, I’ll get tired of waiting. Do it every day, work even without being motivated, because when you least expect it, you will be graced by her presence.

Thus, there is no other way to reach paradise or intense rejoicing other than through much sweat, work, effort and sometimes tears to cleanse the soul and relieve the heart.

So, my personal challenge is to write from Monday to Friday, at least one text a day, for 30 days. If it is the work I have chosen, it must be done, for you cannot reach the summit without starting at the foot of the mountain. I’ve already won some victories in the last four years, and this one will have a very special taste, like a dream come true.

In addition, read also: O que você está fazendo da sua vida

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Fernando Nunes

I turn words into stories, into moments and emotions. Ask me how: It will be a pleasure to speak with you!