If you have to give up, let it be from being weak

Fernando Nunes
6 min readNov 4, 2022

Giving up is no longer an option, take the reins of your journey and make it happen without having to depend on anyone’s approval

Photo South Agency | Canva Pro

Giving up should be erased from your vocabulary and no longer an option in your life. Dreams are not just to be dreamed of, but to be lived. Now, don’t wait for things to fall from the sky to your lap.

First of all, I invite you to close this text now if you still believe in miraculous promises. Whether it’s easy to weight loss, earn money, or be successful. In this specific case giving up for you is a must, but please don’t be another frustrating walking around. When you choose something, you have to give up something else, it’s that simple. There is no magic, there are no tricks.

Now, if you believe that every plantation has a harvest and, as in agriculture, some factors do not depend on our will, welcome. Maybe this text can help you and you are already past the stage of giving up because of any stone in your shoe.

Why is giving up no longer an option?

Because unless you’re that soft ass where everyone does everything for you and the most you need to do is order, the rest of the population needs to work hard. And what makes someone move forward and others stay stagnant for years and maybe a lifetime, is precisely greed. The panache or guts to get out of the warm bed and chase your dreams.

  • Eager to get out of a mediocre life;
  • Courage to run after what you want and not give up at the first obstacle;
  • Do not expect more from others the responsibilities that are yours.

It won’t be hours looking at one reel after another that will get you to the body you want so much. It’s getting that fat ass off the couch, closing that mouth that looks like a dredge, and making it happen. But don’t expect that 30 years of a sedentary lifestyle will be solved in three months of the gym.

But also don’t act like this one writes to you, who spends three months completely still and is annoyed for having gained 6 kilos and his fat percentage has jumped from 12% to 30.5%. There were several reasons for staying a quarter stopped, but bad luck, there are no excuses. Giving up is no longer an option, it’s sweating twice as hard to try to recover, maybe in another quarter or two.

Photo Wild Pixel | Canva Pro

Eager to get out of a mediocre life

I particularly believe that sport brings many examples to life as a whole. You can’t be a champion of some modality without a lot of effort and dedication.

Why do you think, then, that your professional or personal life would be any different? If you are dissatisfied with your shitty job, first see if the problem in this process is not you, and if it is not time for you to change your status quo. Okay, there are times when there are companies and bosses that it would be better not to exist.

From experience — so you can see how much shit I’ve done in this life — cursing the owner of the company you work for won’t get you anywhere. Except for a slight push forward with your foot in the ass that you will take from the company where you work and if you are not well balanced, the risk of hitting your face on the ground is great.

Just because you finished college doesn’t make you smarter than someone who has an operation with more than three thousand employees and just finished high school. It just makes you proud. And then for you to learn, just with life hitting you until you learn.


Are you dissatisfied with the mediocre life you are leading? Change is within you and until proven otherwise, you don’t have anyone coercing you with a gun to your head.

So don’t just sit around waiting for the water to hit your ass to start moving. Change is a necessity and giving up is not an option.

Do yourself a favor: be brave

Wake up to life! Are you going to give up now, because something didn’t turn out the way you wanted, looking like that grandma’s darling who doesn’t even drink chocolate if it’s not made by the matriarch?

Create shame on that face of yours and don’t make your father cry in the bath with so much shame he feels for you. They are your dreams, your achievements, and your goals. It’s only fair that you be the person who will run after them and as every choice has a consequence, kill the decisions you make in your chest.

Here I know the facts too because it was about 20 years (to relieve my side, because it was longer) that I was always waiting for others. But getting the fat ass out of the chair I didn’t want to.

For many years of my life, my motto was “nothing like doing nothing and then resting”. What did I gain from it? A shame on the size of the world to be 16,215 days old and not have achieved anything. It’s only been 1,352 that I decided to put shame on my face to try to change this whole situation. And in these more than thirteen hundred days, more than once I thought about throwing in the towel. However, giving up is no longer an option.

No longer expecting from others the responsibilities that are yours

I said that there is no secret and that there are no miracles, but a lot of work and dedication. You can curse me, I lied.

I’m a compulsive liar, it’s true! But I’m going to reveal a secret that could change your life significantly. And to redeem me from this deception, don’t worry! I’m not going to do it like some internet gurus, from $4,583.00 for the first 10 who get in touch, I’ll do it for $9.99. No, it will be a phrase that will transform your life and the best, totally free.

Are you prepared? But first, as I said, the secret that no one tells you I will tell you is for free. But, if you want to pay me a Ko-Fi, it will be a pleasure and will help me a lot (just click here).

“Call for yourself what is yours in fact and law, the responsibility of your life and your actions.”

If you are not satisfied with where you are today, your relationship situation, your job, or your friendships, there is a way to change. You are the captain of your life. However, you sit in the audience watching your life go by.

Take the risks and your responsibilities

Do not be afraid! All change causes discomfort at first, as you are jumping into the unexpected, the new effectively. There will be rocks in the way, but that won’t make you give up.

Afraid of what others will think? Fuck what others think, do it for yourself, because no one will.

When you can understand that much of what has happened, happens, and will happen in your life is solely your responsibility, many knots will be undone. That yesterday’s modus operandi can no longer be today’s and at the right time, things will start to happen.

If you have to give up something, give up being weak. You can do much more than others have always said you could. Besides, the first to criticize you today will be the first to pat you on the back tomorrow. Do yourself a favor, not others: get that fat ass out of the chair and show your true worth.

If you think coffee can improve my mood, I’ll take a Ko-Fi. Maybe it helps, it’s true.

Connect with me on Twitter! It will be a pleasure!



Fernando Nunes

I turn words into stories, into moments and emotions. Ask me how: odnanrefserep@gmail.com. It will be a pleasure to speak with you!