Odoo 16 Vs Odoo 17 — What are the New and Improved Features

Alex Forsyth
5 min readDec 21, 2023


Odoo 17 is the latest version of the ERP and has come up with many new features and improvements.

Here’s a detailed comparison between the two that you must know before availing Odoo development and implementation services for your business.

Odoo is a popular tool for businesses to manage their work efficiently. It helps companies of all sizes organise their tasks and reach their targets. And the best thing is that with every update, Odoo gets better and easier to use. The newest version, Odoo 17, has exciting new features that make it even more powerful. In this post, you will get to know about what’s different in Odoo 17 compared to Odoo 16 and why it’s a great option for businesses looking to improve their operations.

Let’s get to now about Odoo 17 first

Odoo 17 stands as the most recent significant update to Odoo, a widely used open-source enterprise resource planning (ERP) software suite. Launched in October 2023, this version brings forth a range of new features aimed at boosting user satisfaction and increasing overall productivity. Let’s explore some of the standout features:

Key Features of Odoo 17

  • Revamped User Interface: Odoo 17 introduces a sleek and modern user interface that is more user-friendly and intuitive. With features like dark mode and responsive layouts, the new interface enhances the overall user experience.
  • Improved Search Functionality: Odoo 17 takes search capabilities to the next level, making it effortless to find the information you need. The enhanced search bar provides increased power and simplicity, allowing users to search across multiple fields and databases with precision.
  • Flexible Wizards: The addition of flexible wizards in Odoo 17 guides users through intricate processes step by step. This simplifies task completion and reduces errors, proving especially helpful for onboarding new users and streamlining repetitive tasks.
  • Sticky Headers: Odoo 17 implements sticky headers to ensure that table headers remain visible while scrolling through data. This feature improves usability by providing easy access to column labels and context, especially when navigating through large datasets.
  • Efficient Product Selection: In Odoo 17, users can add products directly from the catalog within sale orders. This feature streamlines the sales process by eliminating the need to switch between different modules, resulting in a more efficient workflow.
  • Keyboard Shortcut Enhancements: Odoo 17 enriches the functionality of keyboard shortcuts, enabling users to swiftly choose records using these shortcuts. This improvement enhances productivity by allowing users to execute actions efficiently without relying on the mouse.
  • New To-do Module: Odoo 17 introduces a fresh To-do module that serves as a centralised hub for managing tasks and reminders. This module assists users in maintaining organisation and prioritising their work, ensuring that crucial tasks are not overlooked.
  • Raise Hands in Meetings: The inclusion of the “Raise Hand” feature in meetings lets participants indicate their desire to speak or ask a question. This feature heightens meeting engagement and participation, ensuring that everyone gets an opportunity to contribute.
  • Action Menu Placement: Odoo 17 features a new placement for the action menu, making it simpler to access actions related to specific records. This enhancement improves usability by offering quick access to relevant actions without cluttering the user interface.

These newly introduced features in Odoo 17 underscore the continual commitment to enhancing the user experience and overall productivity. By streamlining workflows, simplifying tasks, and providing intuitive navigation, Odoo 17 empowers users to work more efficiently and effectively.

Differences Between Odoo 16 and Odoo 17:

Release Date:

  • Odoo 16: October 2022
  • Odoo 17: November 2023

User Interface:

  • Odoo 16: Standard light mode
  • Odoo 17: Redesigned with dark mode and improved accessibility

Search Functionality:

  • Odoo 16: Basic search capabilities
  • Odoo 17: Advanced search capabilities

Data Security:

Odoo 16: Baseline security measures

Odoo 17: Enhanced security measures

Customisation Options:

  • Odoo 16: Limited customisation options
  • Odoo 17: Expanded customisation options

Project Management Module:

  • Odoo 16: Kanban and list views
  • Odoo 17: Kanban, list, and calendar views

Point-of-Sale System:

  • Odoo 16: Grid and list views
  • Odoo 17: Grid, list, and product card views


  • Odoo 16: Slower and less responsive
  • Odoo 17: Faster and more responsive


  • Odoo 16: Improved accounting reports
  • Odoo 17: Revamped accounting reports with better performance, UI, definition, and audit


  • Odoo 16: Improved manufacturing process management
  • Odoo 17: Enhanced manufacturing process management with Kanban view and drag-and-drop functionality


  • Odoo 16: Improved integrations with third-party applications
  • Odoo 17: Expanded integrations with third-party applications

Odoo 17 stands out as a more powerful and user-friendly ERP solution compared to Odoo 16. With enhanced features and a modern interface, it provides a smoother experience for users. The improvements include a better search function and several new features, making it a significant upgrade.

For detailed and accurate information about Odoo 17, it’s recommended to visit the official Odoo website, release notes, or community forums. The Odoo community actively engages in discussions, and official channels offer the most reliable updates on new features and enhancements in each release.

Whether you’re already using Odoo or considering implementing ERP software for your business, Odoo 17 is a top choice. It enables organisations to streamline operations, increase productivity, and achieve greater success. Embrace the future of ERP by choosing Odoo 17 to leverage benefits like rapid business growth and innovation in your organisation.

Odoo 17 is a much more improved version than Odoo 16. It is easier to use, with a better search function and lots of new features. Whether you already use Odoo or are thinking of using ERP software for your business, Odoo 17 is a great pick. It helps your organisation work smoother, get more done, and reach bigger success.

Alex Forsyth is an expert Odoo consultant associated with Envertis, an official Odoo Development and Implementation Partner in Sydney. In this article, the author has shared a detailed comparison between Odoo 16 and 17 to give you a clear idea about what new features and improvements version 17 has come up with for businesses.



Alex Forsyth

A geek with interest on softwares, AI and future oriented technologies.