Matthew O
1 min readOct 24, 2015

This week, focused on the history of the multicultural groups on campus, particularly the ones on the 2nd Floor of Coffman. Mostly people are familiar with the various groups, however very few people know the history behind them, and why the second floor of Coffman is dedicated them. In 1968, Africana Student union, led by Horace Huntley, invigorated by the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. submitted a list of 7 demands. They demanded for the creation of grants and scholarships towards people of color, namely Blacks and Native Americans. As it was reported that there were a little over 100 African American attending the U, that year and about 2 were in CSE. The creation of an African Studies department as well Native/ Indigenous Peoples Studies department, the first of its kind in the nation. They also demanded for the 2nd floor of Coffman to be dedicated to Cultural Groups. Malcolm Moos set up a task force cater to the interst of the Students yet nothing was done after for several month, even over summer break. Finally in January 1968, the Africana Student Union ( now known as Black Student Union) decided to take action in to their own hands. They took over Morrill Hall. Back then all the U administrative activities took place in Morrill Hall. this non-violent action, literally halted all business, they after 24 hours President Moos decided to agreed to the the demands of the students.This is now known as the take over of Morrill Hall Takeover.