42 Push_Swap Explained

Oduwole Dare
24 min readMay 6, 2023
Image from www.educba.com

This is an interesting task that forces you to think through your implementation and make decisions on your choice of data structure before writing any line of code otherwise, it falls like a house of cards. It’s expedient to think about your possible edge cases.

I am rewriting this article because the previous version I wrote was
confusing even to me. In order to provide more clarity, I have decided to approach it
differently, aiming to guide your thought process without diminishing the
beauty of discovery. Hence, this is not a code-along but rather a roadmap
for your thought process. By the time you finish reading, you'll gain a clear
understanding of the intricacies and what to watch out for when devising your
own algorithm. Below is an incomplete roadmap of possible functions and their
respective purposes.

└── main/
├── validator/
│ ├── ft_parser/
│ │ ├── ft_strchr
│ │ ├── ft_isdigit
│ │ ├── ft_atoi_lg
│ │ └── add_node_tail
│ └── check_duplicates
├── free_both
├── ft_perror
├── is_sorted
└── sort_router/
│ ├── list_size
│ ├── sort_three/
│ │ ├── is_sorted
│ │ ├── is_cyclic/
│ │ │ ├── min_node_details
│ │ │ ├── ft_last_node
│ │ │ ├── validate_forward/
│ │ │ │ └── ft_last_node
│ │ │ ├── validate_backward
│ │ │ └── free
│ │ ├── list_size
│ │ ├── swap_nodes
│ │ ├── mid_node_details
│ │ │ └── list_size
│ │ ├── mover/
│ │ │ ├── reverse_rotate
│ │ │ ├── swap_nodes
│ │ │ └── rotate
│ │ ├── sort_three (again for recursion)
│ │ └── free
│ └── sort_more/
│ ├── handle_indexing/
│ │ ├── populate_arr
│ │ ├── bubble_sort
│ │ ├── list_size
│ │ └── free
│ ├── repeat_push/
│ │ └── push
│ ├── list_size
│ ├── is_sorted
│ ├── is_cyclic
│ ├── sort_three
│ ├── reconfig/
│ │ ├── re_calibrator
│ │ ├── list_size
│ │ ├── min_node_details
│ │ ├── special_nodes
│ │ ├── exit_cost
│ │ ├── target_cost/
│ │ │ ├── ft_last_node
│ │ │ ├── head_to_tail
│ │ │ ├── min_max_handler
│ │ │ ├── waterfall
│ │ │ └── spring
│ │ ├── optimize
│ │ ├── priority/
│ │ │ ├── both_positive
│ │ │ ├── both_negative
│ │ │ ├── exit_zero
│ │ │ └── target_zero
│ │ └──free
│ ├── highest_priority/
│ │ └── highest_helper
│ ├── double_opportunity/
│ │ └── helper
│ │ ├── repeat_double_rotate
│ │ └── repeat_double_reverse
│ ├── resort
│ │ ├── special_nodes
│ │ ├── move_picker
│ │ └── free
│ ├── push
│ ├── exit_moves/
│ │ ├── repeat_rotate
│ │ └── repeat_reverse
│ └── target_moves/
│ ├── repeat_rotate
│ └── repeat_reverse
├── free
└── free_both/
└── free_stack

└── main: Here youll take care of memory allocation for both stack A and B.
I also it is more convenient to create a struct to hold both stack_a and
stack_b. So as to reduce the number of arguments you pass around. In retrospect,
if I were to do push_swap all over again I would save the list_size in this
same struct so that i dont call list_size function all the time but rather
decrement/increment accordingly everytime I push from one stack to the other. More performant

├── ft_parser
└── check_duplicates

└── validator(int argc, char **argv, t_node **head): (ft_parser & check_duplicates): You can write a function (ft_parser & check) that checks the number is neg or pos, check if its digit, checks if its not more than int limits, check for duplicates. if valid add to stack

└── write a funtion to free_stack

└──free_both: to free both stack at once? you can call the free_stack function you created twice on both stack_a and stack_b.

└── a function to print errors

└── checks the number is in ascending order ie next num on the list should be greater than tne prev. This is easy!

is_cyclic_sorted /
├── min_node_details
├── ft_last_node
├── validate_forward
├── validate_backward
└── free
The whole is_cyclic function is to check if the stack is sorted even though not top down e.g
├── 3
├── 4
├── 5
├── 6
├── 7
├── 9
├── 0 rra
├── 1 rra
└── 2 rra
The above is cyclically sorted because if you reverse rotate thrice it will be sorted. I wont dwell too much here cos the nested function are named intuitively.

7. list_size: Use this to get the size of each stack.

sort_router /
├── list_size
├── sort_three
└── sort_more
7. sort_router: routes the sorting to best handler based on size of list

sort_three /
└── Sorting three is a simple one and i let you figure that out

sort_more /
├── handle_indexing
├── repeat_push
├── list_size
├── is_sorted
├── is_cyclic
├── sort_three
├── reconfig
├── highest_priority
├── double_opportunity
├── exit_moves
├── target_moves
├── push
├── is_sorted && is_cyclic
├── resort
├── free_both
└── free
Sort more function handles the sorting of large list of numbers. From handling indexing to pushing all values to stack_b till the last 3, checking if the list is sorted cyclically to truly sorted. it also runs a loop to reconfigure/reset the details of the nodes, checks the node with the highest priority, checks oppourtunity for double moves, handle exit_move and target_move, push the node on top of stack_b to stack_a and also has an if statement that breaks the loop if its sorted cyclically or truly. Also remember to free all memory

handle_indexing /
├── populate_arr
├── bubble_sort
├── list_size
└── free
Here we do a sneak peak into the list to see what position numbers on our list should be when sorted. So, we create an array and populate it with the values on our list. Then, perform a bubblesort. Then run a loop to the stack_a and save this position on each struct accordingly. Note that this is done after we have validated the input and populated our stack_a. Remember to free this array as it as served its purpose already.

└── Here, we repeatedly push nodes from stack_a to stack_b until we have 3 nodes left in stack_a. Remember to then call your sort_three function on stack_a. if its neither cyclically or truly sorted. Keep track of the list sizes of both stacks when performing push operations.

reconfig /
├── re_calibrator
├── list_size
├── mid_node_details
├── special_nodes
├── exit_cost
├── target_cost
├── optimize
├── priority
└── free
After every exit from stack_b to stack_a we gotta reconfigure and reset our indexes and other things.
└── This loops over stacks and changes the indexes on both stacks since weve now added a new value. So, it will be helpful to write the function such that its dynamic and works with any stack.
so we can call it on both stack_a and stack_b
└──(this wont be necessary if you follow the more performant option i hinted at) we also need to get the new sizes of both stacks. since one value has exited and moved to the other stack.
└── we need to get the mid_node pos of stack_b also. so we can decide the best exit. When the exiting node is above mid we immediately know 'rb' moves will be more optimal else 'rrb' moves will be.

special_nodes /
├── min_node_details
├── mid_node_details
└── max_node_details
└── this keep track of the position of node with minimum value on
a stack. Here you will save the node details like position and value. So, you
have to have a pos variable init to zero and increment as you loop through.
Tip: u can use max_int as the initial minimum value.
└── as the name implies. u need this function so as to calculate
if the position you are trying to access can be quickly accessed from the
top(ra) or tail(rra). There to implement? divide the list_size by 2, then loop
through till the value of the (list_size by 2) == pos of the current node in
the loop. when it is save the node details as the mid_node
└── same logic as min_node_details except here u are looking for the max
instead min. use min_int limit too.
├── 3
├── 4
├── 5
├── 6
├── 7 * mid_node
├── 9 * max_node
├── 0 * min_node
├── 1
└── 2
└── This is used in getting the value of important nodes in any of our stacks, most especially in stack_a. The important nodes are the nodes with the current - max value, min value and node at mid-pos. Therefore, this function is always called in this loop because for every loop this some of this nodes value may change.

target_cost /
├── ft_last_node
├── head_to_tail
├── min_max_handler
├── waterfall
└── spring
└── Here we wanna find the position to slot the exiting value from stack_b to
stack_a. And to this end we need to take care of all scenario and return true
if a position is found. Also, worthy of note is that target cost has to be
fullproof to situation where stack_a is_sorted or cyclicly_sorted

└── Here you get the value of the last node and compare with the value of the
first node on top of the stack. Check if exiting node should be placed between
them and return true if it should
├── *** target_pos
├── 5 * top node └── 3 or 4 * exiting_node
├── 6
├── 7
├── 9
├── 0
├── 1
└── 2 * last node
stack_a stack_b

└── Here is a scenario where the exiting node could lower/higher than the pre-existing lower/ pre-existing higher number on stack_a. e.g lets say we have 2/14 as the min/max on stack_a - if the node exiting from stack_b is either 0/15 then it needs to be placed between them. this function searches for the min and max on stack_a and places the exiting node there
├── 5 * top node └── 0 or 10 * exiting_node
├── 6
├── 7
├── 9
├── *** target_pos
├── 1
└── 2 * last node
stack_a stack_b

├── 5 └── 2
├── 6
├── 9 * buggy pivot
├── 7 * the bug
├── 0 * current pivot
├── 1
└── 3
stack_a stack_b
It is important to note that min-node is our pivot point for waterfall and spring.
This is important because if we choose different pivot point, then our algorithm may be buggy. Why?
If we change our pivot point to max_node rather than the min_node we were using in water fall then there will
be a bug. So in choosing a pivot you can pick either the max/min but not both. That way we will have a proper
handshake between the max and min node (ie back-back)

since the target pos is not between max and min, and not between top and tail of stack we need to then search through the stack. using waterfall and spring
└── Here you wanna search the stack from min_node-down(because minimum can be
in any position when stack is cyclically sorted) and see in which position the
exiting_node fits by comparing the exiting_node value with current and next
node values. if it fits between okay great but it not enough to know that. we
also need to know which move is optimal to get to that positon that is; is it
rra or ra etc. Therefore, the exiting _node target_cost will be the
(current_node index - list_size + 1) if target position is greater than the
mid_pos else if it is lesser or equal to the mid_pos the target_cost will simply
be the next_node index;
example: assume 8 is the value of the exiting node, in the stack below you will
realise that the 8 target should be between 7 and 9
├── 5 └── 2 / 8
├── 6
├── 7
├── *** target_pos
├── 9 * mid pos && max node
├── 0 * waterfall ↓↓↓ | min node
├── 1
├── *** target_pos
└── 3
stack_a stack_b
In case of 2, since mid_pos is 4 and our target pos is greater than mid_pos
(which means the best move is rra), we need to save how many rra move to the
target_cost which will be target_pos-7(which is current position 13 is occupying)
- list_size + 1. Therefore target_cost will be 7 - (7 + 1) = -1. So just one
RRA move and we can slot 2 in stack_a. In case of 8, since mid_pos is 4 and
our target pos is lower than mid_pos (which means the best move is ra), we need
to save how many ra move to the target_cost which will be the index of the next_node.
└── Here you wanna move from the min-mode to the max-node, by using prev (I assume
you are using doubly linked list).Then compare the value u moved into with the
value of max node you saved with the special_node functions. This logic ensures
the bug we below doesnt slip through the crack.
├── 5 └── 2
├── 6
├── 9 * buggy pivot | max node
├── 7 * the bug | prev
├── 0 * current pivot | min-node
├── 1
└── 3
So, from our min-node, when we move to prev, the node will be 7. Now when we
compare the value of prev and max-node value, we immediately catch the bug, But
in a situation where the bug is removed like below
├── 5 └── 2
├── 6
├── 9 * buggy pivot | max node | prev
├── 0 * current pivot | min-node
├── 1
└── 3
when we compare the value of prev node with the value of max-node then we will
see they are equal. Now we can calculate the target cost same way we did waterfall
but in the opposite direction. Check where exiting_node fits from max-node to
the top of the stack. When you do, check its position relative to the mid-pos
so as to determine the optimal move. So if the target position of the exiting
is <= mid-node then we save the index of current node as target_cost else we
save the target_cost as current index - list_size

└──Here like target_cost but not as robust. Here we just need to decide if the
exiting node is above the mid-pos or beneath. if it is above we know the best
move is 'RB' so we save the index of the current node as the exit_cost but if
it is greater than mid-pos then we will substract the size of stack_b from
current node index. Note, when making the move the signs of exit cost helps us
also know the move; +ve is rb and -ve means rrb.

└──sets the optimized value. like lets say we have two value on both stack that
can move in the same direction then optimize saves the number of moves they can
make together.
├── 4 rr ├── 8 rr
├── 11 rr ├── 10 rr
├── 13 ↓ rr ├── 14 * exiting_node
├── 15 ↑ target_pos ├── 1
├── 0 └── 18
├── 2
└── 3
stack_a stack_b
Now from above, if we assume that 14 is the exiting_node,then optimived valaue
will be 2 not 3 if we are to perform rr on both stack because beyond 2, 14
which is our exiting node will be rotated away from top of stack_b

priority /
├── both_positive
├── both_negative
├── negating_signs
├── exit_zero
└── target_zero
└── a function that runs a loop to adjust the priority of each value in
stack_b by comparing exit_cost and target_cost with bunch of if statements.
When a exit and target cost are both same sign(+/-) it presents an oppurtunity
to rotate the two stacks at the same time but when the target and exit cost are
opposite signs then you know they are low priority based on the signs of
exit_cost and target_cost. Scenario one is both are positive: if both are
positive or both are negative, both are negating_sign, either exit_cost or
target_cost is zero

└── Although both are positive you wanna save the bigger value as
the priority ie if target_cost = 5 and exit_cost = 2, save priority as 5.
(Now thinking future me thinking about it Ill probably choose the lesser number
as the priority but ive not tried it or know how it will affect the logic of
the code)
├── 9 ra (+1 move) ├── 12 rb,pa (+2 move)
├── 11 ├── 10
├── 13 ├── 14
├── 15 ├── 4
├── 0 └── 3
├── 1
└── 2
stack_a stack_b
From above if we assume 10 is the existing node. To get it to its target position
we will need to rotate on both stacks once. which makes it positive move.
both_negative: same as both_positive except in the negative direction
├── 9 ├── 12
├── 11 ├── 10
├── 13 ├── 14
├── 15 ├── 1 rrb, pa
├── 0 └── 18 rrb
├── 2 rra
└── 3 rra
stack_a stack_b
If we assume 1 as the exiting node then it means we reverse rotate on both stack
which makes it negative move ie reverse rotate 2ce on stack_a and stack_b
└── if target_cost is >= 0 save target_cost as priority else save priority as target_cost * -1
├── 4 ├── 8 pa
├── 11 ├── 10
├── 13 ├── 14
├── 15 ├── 1
├── 0 └── 18
├── 2
└── 3
stack_a stack_b
From above assume 8 is the exiting_node then the exit cost is 0 because its at
the top of the stack
└── if exit_cost is >= 0 save exit_cost as priority else save priority as
exit_cost * -1
negating_signs: if exit_cost or target_cost are opposite signs ie if
target_cost is maybe -3 and exit_cost is +4. then sum the abs val of target_cost
and abs val of exit_cost and multiply there sum by -1 and save as the priority
├── 9 ra ├── 12
├── 11 ra ├── 10
├── 13 ra ├── 1
├── 15 ├── 14 rrb
├── 0 └── 18 rrb
├── 2
└── 3
stack_a stack_b
Assume, 14 is the exiting_node. so since you are rotating the two stacks in the
opposite directions this will get the least priority

highest_priority /
└── highest_helper
Here, we want to know which exiting node has the highest priority. Here we can
initialise a variable(max) to INT_MAX value. Then we loop through stack_b and
compare priority of the node with the highest priority saved on every loop and
then at the end of the whole loop we return the highest_priority. So, for every
loop we check current node priority is greater than current highest_priority
and save the ne highest prioritized node and also change the value of the initialized

double_opportunity /
└── here if optimi

exit_moves /
├── repeat_rotate
└── repeat_reverse
Now here we get the node with the highest priority to leave stack_b and determine
if the numbers of rrb or rb we need to do to get it on top of stack_b. if its
positive, we will be making rb moves and if its negative we make rrb move

target_moves /
├── repeat_rotate
└── repeat_reverse
Same logic as exit_moves applies here

└── Here is the function you call after stack_b is emptied and stack_a is only
cyclically sorted and you want to sort it truly. Same logic as I have said over
and over. You need to determine the min-node of stack_a and and check if its
position is above mid-pos or not. Then choose the fastest operation.

├── double_swaps/
│ └── swap_nodes
├── repeat_rotate/
│ └── rotate
├── repeat_double_rotate/
│ └── repeat_double_rotate
├── repeat_double_reverse/
│ └── repeat_double_reverse
├── repeat_push/
│ └── push
├── repeat_reverse/
│ └── reverse
Just bunch of functions for rotating, reversing and performing all the operation
s allowed. I belive you can do this on your own. Tip: make the functions
dynamic. For example a push function should be able to push either from stack_a
to stack_b or from stack_b to stack_a based on the stack passed as argument and
string passed("pa/pb"). Do this for other operations too.

└── main/
├── handle_validation/
│ ├── validator/
│ ├── free_both/
│ │ ├── ft_perror
│ │ └── free_stack
│ ├── is_sorted
│ ├── print_result
│ └── ft_printf
├── free_all/
│ ├── free_both/
│ │ └── free_stack
│ └── free
├── is_empty/
│ ├── ft_strncmp
│ └── list_size
└── read_operations/
├── ft_strncmp
├── swap_nodes
├── double_swaps
├── push
├── rotate
├── double_rotate
├── reverse_rotate
└── double_reverse

1. handle_validation: Here we take care of validation, call our validator from
mandatory section. If anything is invalid free and print necessary errors. We
also need to check if stack_a is sorted. If it is then we print the result
OK/KO and free the stack.
2. we also need to get the operations on each line using get_next_line.
initialise your get_next_line then run a while loop. In the loop check if any
of the two stack is empty if it is break. Also create a read_operations function
that ft_strncmp the operation on a line and executes it. If the operation on
the line doesnt exit throw error. when the loop is done print_result and
remember to free all memory.

I will start the implementation with error checking first before attempting the task. I decided to go with the doubly linked list because I love the flexibility of going back and forth through the list. You might decide to use a singly or even circular linked list, it’s whatever floats your boat, yeah.

I like functions doing one thing and one thing only, so this means we will be writing a lot of functions.

The Rules

You have 2 stacks named “a” and “b”.

  • At the beginning:
  • The stack “a” contains a random amount of negative and/or positive numbers which cannot be duplicated.
  • The stack “b” is empty.
  • The goal is to sort in ascending order numbers into the stack “a”. To do so you have the following operations at your disposal:
  • sa (swap a): Swap the first 2 elements at the top of stack a. Do nothing if there is only one or no element.
  • sb (swap b): Swap the first 2 elements at the top of stack b. Do nothing if there is only one or no element.
  • ss: sa and sb at the same time.
  • pa (push a): Take the first element at the top of b and put it at the top of a. Do nothing if b is empty.
  • pb (push b): Take the first element at the top of a and put it at the top of b. Do nothing if “a” is empty.
  • ra (rotate a): Shift up all elements of stack “a” by 1. The first element becomes the last one.
  • rb (rotate b): Shift up all elements of stack “b” by 1. The first element becomes the last one.
  • rr: ra and rb at the same time.
  • rra (reverse rotate a): Shift down all elements of the stack “a” by 1. The last element becomes the first one.
  • rrb (reverse rotate b): Shift down all elements of stack “b” by 1. The last element becomes the first one.
  • rrr: rra and rrb at the same time.


  • t_node: it will save some helpful data on each of the nodes
    1. Value: This saves the value of the node.
    2. Order_idx: This saves the index of the value when the stack is sorted
    3. List_idx: This saves the current index of the value while still unsorted
    4. Exit_cost: saves the number of moves to exit a stack
    5. Target_cost: saves the number of moves to a sorted position on the other stack.
    6. Optimized: checks if there is any opportunity to make double moves on both stacks
    7. Priority: Calculates the cost of sorting each value on a particular stack, so we can choose the cheapest
    8. Next and Prev: These are pointers to the next and prev node in the doubly linked list respectively
typedef struct s_node {
int value
int order_idx
int list_idx
int exit_cost
int target_cost
int optimized
int priority
struct *next
struct *prev
} t_node;
  • t_stacks: This struct helps to reduce the number of parameters we need when passing the two stacks to a function
typedef struct s_stacks {
struct s_node **stack_a;
struct s_node **stack_b;
} t_stacks;
  • t_node_details: This struct helps to keep track of some of the handy node details we would need when sorting
typedef struct s_node_details {
int pos;
int value;
struct s_node *node;
} t_node_details;
  • t_details: This struct helps to monitor the nodes with the max and min value on any stack. And the mid keeps track of the node at the mid position on our stack
typedef struct s_details {
t_node_details *min;
t_node_details *mid;
t_node_details *max;
} t_details;


I think it is helpful to talk about some handy functions you should be armed with before sorting the large numbers.

// *** I am only gonna talk about functions marked with ***
// add node to head
// add node to tail
// check duplicates
// create nodes
// delete node
// last node
// list size
// print node
// *** node details
// Operations
// sa, sb, and ss
// pa and pb
// ra, rb and rr
// rra, rrb and rrr

// NB:
// Personally, i would make the funtions dynamic,
// using any stack, a pointer to indicate the operation just performed
// (ie sa, ra, rrb etc) and an arg to determine the operation
// performed should be announced or silent. this logic would be
// useful when you are working on the bonus part.
// void rotate(t_node **stack, char *tag, int output)

// I would create extra functions to repeat all this based on specified
// number of times

// ***
// This function would return details (t_details)
// You should create 3 separate functions to get details
// of nodes containing max & min value and mid position node
// this 3 functions would return t_node_details

// We are still need some useful functions but we can't discuss them now.


We need to create our main C file and since we will be providing some arguments from the terminal, therefore our main function needs to take 2 arguments: argument counter (int) and argument vector which is a 2D array 😜.

int main()
// two double pointer variables for our stacks: a and b

// check if the correct amount of variables was passed

// allocate memory for the two stacks

// if ( !is_valid ) // create a function to validate the args passed from the CMD
// free the stacks
// print an error message using standard error
// return

// if (is_sorted) // write an if statement to check if stack_a issorted
// return

// create a router function to pick alogrithm based on the number args (router())

// free both stacks and free the pointer to both stacks

// return


This function will most likely somehow need to know the number of arguments passed from the terminal and definitely need the arguments passed from the terminal. I would also like to think it needs a reference to our stack_a so as to populate it with valid data. Do we need to pass stack_b also? What do you think?

int is_valid()
// you need a variable to loop through the cmd line arguments note that the
// the first argument is the program name
// Also, a variable to store each value.
// I would use long for the purpose of MAX_INT and MIN_INT

// you might wanna loop through the args passed
// In the loop, parse each value in a separate function - ft_parser()
// this parser function should check for:
// signs of each arg -> ft_strchr can be very handy
// also check if its not digit -> libft 🧐
// return an indication of error if any
// Now save as number, the value currently a string -> libft 🤔
// check for MAX_INT and MIN_INT
// Now add the value to the stack (oh my libft,
// albeit needs a pointer to previous node)

// Now that you have populated your stack. Are there duplicates?

// return something

Is the stack sorted?

int is_sorted()
// You would need a temporary variable to loop over
// so we don't overwrite our stack
// while looping
// check if previous node value is greater
// than the current node value
// return value accordingly

Is the stack cyclically sorted?

When sorting it’s important not to sort our stack for every new value added, “so long” 🙂 it’s cyclically sorted. How do we determine if our stack is cyclically sorted? 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 is a great example because if we ra 5x or rrr 5x our stack will be sorted.

int is_cyclic()
// 5 △
// 6 △
// 7 △
// 8 △
// 9 △
// 0 ▼
// 1 ▼
// 2 ▼
// 3 ▼
// 4 ▼

// the above illustration shows how to go about checking
// if our stack is cyclically sorted
// so implement the functions based on the illustration

// Tips:
// find min and max - value and position and loop accordingly
// upward loop should decrement progressively
// while downward loop should increment progressively
// ⛔️ Edge case alert⛔️:
// there is an edge case between the top of the stack and tail

// NB: for this function we only care about stack_a


void router()
// To be able to determine algorithm to use
// we need to know size of the stack
// if (size <= 3) use sort_3 algorithm
// else use sort_more algorithm

// NB: the sort_3 algorithm won't need stack_b

Sort Three

void sort_three_max(t_node **head_ref, char check_cyclic)
// check if its sorted and do the needful
// if (stacksize == 2) sort it with your preferred move sa/ra/rra
// else
// get the details of mid_node using one of our earlier struct
// against previous and next value...sort as you deem fit

// Recursion might be useful or not, totally on you
// remember to free accordingly


For the large stack, we would need to bring out the big guns.

void big_guns()
// Call a function to handle indexing
// Call a funtion to push until we have 3 nodes left in stack_a
// check if stack_a is cyclically sorted or sorted else sort stack_a

// Run a loop where we are gonna do couple of stuffs such as
// reconfigure/reset our stack
// determine node with highest priority
// check opportunity to operate two stacks at once
// make for the exit by floating highest priority value to top of stack_b
// float the target position to the top of stack_a
// then push from b to a
// check if the stack is either sorted or cyclically sorted
// after every loop...break if the condition is false, because
// what is the point of continuing when our algorithm is defective

// now we have done with the loop and our stack should be either sorted
// or cyclically sorted, if it's cyclically sorted, create a function
// to rotate or reverse rotate depending on which is cheapest move

// free all necessary stuffs



void indexing()
// We will need a function to handle indexing this funtions
// will help us determine the actual order of the values when
// sorted. So let us allocate memory for an array and save
// the values from our stack.
// sort the array using bubblesort or whatever fancy sorting algo
// now save the correct order index into the property "order_idx"
// of each node

// free what is necessary only


void recalibrate()
// after each move, the list_idx (list indexes) of nodes in both stacks
// must have been tamperred with
// So, write this function such that you fix this problem. It's simple

void reconfigure(t_node **stack_a, t_node **stack_b)
// recalibrate here
// save the mid postion of stack_b in a variable
// get our special details of stack_a (ie t_details)
// create a function to calculate our exit_cost of each node in stack_b
// *** create a function to calculate our target_cost of each node in stack_b to stack_a
// create a function to determine the number of doubles u can do
// write a function that determines priority
// a function that picks highest priority

// 6 △ // // 8 //
// 7 △ // // 2 //
// 9 △ // // 5 //
// 0 ▼ // // //
// 1 ▼ // // //
// 3 ▼ // // //
// 4 ▼ // // //
// STACK_A // \\ STACK_B //

// This illustration should help in implementing the above functions
// exit cost of 7 would be zero, cos its floating on stack_b,
// but it's target cost is 2
// exit cost of 2 -> 1 and target cost -> 2
// exit cost of 5 -> 1 and target cost -> 0
// therefore, the highest priority should be 5

// if the target and exit cost are same sign and not zero, that means
// you have opportunity to operate on same stack

// free appropriately
void target_cost()
// the is_cyclic function can be helpful here...the difference is that
// you're not checking if its sorted but rather you are searching for
// the position of the value exiting

// check all possible rabbit hole
// upward, downward
// in-between: max and min node, head and tail


void resort()
// we need our function that gets us the t_details. Remember 🤔
// why do we need the funtion?
// well we get to know the positions of min and max value at the very least
// Ohh okay and why do we need those 🙄
// well, when you know where the min value is, relative to mid position,
// u can determine which move is cheaper


The bonus part is dead simple, you have implemented all the needed functions in the mandatory part. The whole idea of the bonus part is that you want to read all instructions passed to the terminal and make moves based on these instructions. With this in mind, you would realize we would need a way to get inputs line by line, and you would also need to get instructions given on each line. The get_next_line function should come to mind here.

int read_operations()
// Bunch of if statement to determine which operation to perform

int handle_validation()
// we have already implemented validation function
// print the right errors for every possible scenario
// if the stack is sorted print okay and free stack

int main()
// handle validation
// use the get_next_line function, passing a file descriptor
// of standard input...because you will be writing operations
// into the terminal.
// NB: Standard input highjacks the terminal 'til it gets SIGQUIT signal (CNTRL + D)
// when SIGQUIT signal is sent. it means we gotten all the instructions we need
// and we should now process it

// create a loop that loops through each line
// check if push operation is performed on an empty stack
// call read function in an if statement and throw the
// right error for invalid operation

// call the read function which in turn calls
// the appropriate function (ie ra, sb, rra etc)
// remember to free each line

// when the loop is done print the result (ie "OK" or "KO")
// remember to free all necessary stuffs

And there you have it, push swap🎊.

Further reading

Other Articles

42 Minitalk Explained
Compilation Process in C

