What to Look for When Hiring A Dumpster Rental

Odyssey Dumpster Rental
3 min readJan 4, 2020

Have you made your mind to rent a dumpster for disposing your waste of? If yes, then do not jump directly. In order to get an ideal dumpster rental in Saint Charles, ask some questions to the service provider.

So, here is the question you need to ask before signing the contract.

1. Dumpster Size

When you have decided to rent a dumpster, the first thing that you look for in a company is the dumpster size they are offering. Would it be enough for your needs? Do they have different dumpster sizes so that you can pick according to your requirements?

Renting the wrong size of the dumpster would make no sense. Keep in mind what is your need and what do they offer to choose the correct size of the dumpster.

2. Nature Of Waste

After you have figured out what size of dumpster you are looking for, the next thing you must look for is the nature of waste that needs disposal. So, ask dumpster rental in Mount Prospect what kind of waste can they accept to dispose of.

Whether you want the dumpster for your residential, commercial, your industrial waste, consult with the company beforehand. Because certain wastes like hazardous waste including chemical, radioactive materials, paint, motor oil, medical waste, etc. cannot be disposed of by every company. Because disposal techniques include advanced techniques, so, if you have such waste, hire a hazardous waste disposal company.

3. Waste Handling Experience And Method

While giving the charge of your waste to a company, ask them about their waste handling experience. And conduct research to find out their detailed portfolio to understand their overall experience. Do not just believe the words, instead believe your eyes.

Apart from this, ask the company about the method of handling waste to ensure they are using an Eco-friendly technique of disposal. Also, make sure the dumpster company works in compliance with the local and federal laws.

4. Reputation

Before signing the contract with a dumpster rental in Arlington Heights, conduct a background search to find whether the company has a proven record of trustworthiness or not. you can take references from your friends and family about the company or read the online reviews of their customers.

And when you visit them physically, you can also ask them for some references. When you get those contacts, you must call them to understand how the company provides services and their methodology, and how they treat their customers. It will give a fair idea about the services of the company.

5. Price

Last but never the least, ask the dumpster service provider about the price. Check whether it fits within your budget or not. you can also check the prices of other service providers and compare them to understand the price range.

Pick a service provider who can offer you an affordable price neither a high price nor a cheap one. Don’t be embarrassed to ask and negotiate the prices when you can.

dumpster rental in Saint Charles

When you are looking for a dumpster rental in Saint Charles, ask the serviced provider about the size you require and what kind of waste they dispose of. Do not forget to check their business reputation, their experience and methodology of handling and disposing of waste and go for an affordable service provider.



Odyssey Dumpster Rental

Headquartered in Downers Grove, Illinois, Odyssey Dumpster Rental is committed to providing white glove service in a blue collar industry.