Alpecin Liquid Review — Does it Work for hair growth? User & Scientific Data

Amanda Hayak
5 min readMar 30, 2018


Review Chart

This Alpecin Liquid Review on how effective this product is will be based on user submitted data as well as scientific data on effectiveness on stopping hair loss, as well as helping hair regrowth — as you can see, we have listed the top hair growth shampoos on the chart above with their relative effectiveness in hair growth and stopping hair from falling out further.

The alpecin Liquid in particular was only seen to have an increased amount of caffeine inside it, but this did not have any increased effect on the actual hair growth or falling process; when looking into this further, it seems that they did the hair experiment inside a test tube, rather than on a human hair which is still inside the human scalp.

Why is this a problem when doing such an experiment?

Well, the whole reason hair falls from your scalp is due to inflammation, which can be caused by either hormones, diet, environment or a mix of everything — by experimenting on hair, taking it outside the scalp, you are removing it from this environment, so naturally, the hair will grow stronger and faster and thicker (because it has no inflammation to tackle!). This is the reason this experiment is greatly flawed — plus, it shows up on the reviews left by customers who have previously used the Alpecin shampoo (in Liquid version or otherwise).

So What is the Best Option for Helping Hair Growth and Stopping Hair falling?

The top shampoos are listed above — the best one currently is the Taoist Soap — this is used for hair, scalp and the rest of the body — it is designed to stop inflammation from the root cause, and helps not only detox the whole scalp, but also renew skin and hair follicle cells to help restore hair on the scalp.

Is Using the Taoist Soap enough for helping with Hair?

To ask this question is like saying, are three wheels enough to make a car go from point A to point B — this is because the more things you do towards your hair issue, the faster and more effective your natural treatment will be for resolving this — this is how natural treatment work, and that is why we have things called remedies — today we already understand, that a change in a persons behaviour and adopting a new habit like exercising for 6 months, is enough to cause a change in RNA expression — something we did not know a few years ago.

Most people do not understand that naturally thickening hair, or even just stopping hair loss naturally takes a person to work on various areas of their life — because hair loss can be accelerated if you eat sugars, which then feeds the inflammation that is happening in your body, which then leads to the hair to fall out even faster! So stopping eating high sugar helps, although you can still have it occasionally.

Scalp massage is known to reduce the inflammation on the scalp, and increase blood flow to help detoxify the clogged thin vessels that supply blood — so it is a great idea to also scalp massage at least for 15–20 minutes a day — when you combine at least these methods mentioned, you will naturally see a growth in hair, and stopping in the hair falling.

Should I use more than one hair loss shampoo for helping with hair growth?

If you really wanted to, you can — but its better to be sensible about it and use a shampoo for at least 3–6 months before deciding it does not work for you. The Alpecin is a very popular option, but the studies are flawed, and many reviews have talked about it being either not effective, or actually worsening the hair in some way (drying or hair loss) — so it is better not to be used in alongside other products.

What else can you do for helping stop hair loss?

As I already mentioned above — you need to carry out a regime to get the best results — to get the best results you need to tackle 3 areas at least, for at least 3 months to see the best results, and they are as follows:

Stop Inflammation: This can be stopped by 2 methods — one is by stopping doing anything that feeds inflammation. What feeds inflammation? Sugar carbs and fats — they feed inflammation — what can you eat to help stop inflammation? Lean red meat, and low calorie diet — so small meals of red meat throughout the day — this is not a lifestyle diet, this is a diet to correct inflammation — so you must go back to a healthy normal diet when you have done this for 3–6 weeks.

Another way to stop inflammation, is by local targetting — and the Taoist soap as I mentioned above does that — you just need to apply it on 2–3 points on the scalp, very small amount, and rinse after 3–5 seconds with luke warm water.

Scalp massage is another method to help hair growth — minoxidil which they say is the only proven hair growth pharmacutical, but has serious side effects and you actually start loosing results after some time on it, and still have to stay on it for life, is a pretty bad deal — but the reason I mention it, is because they say they don’t know why it helps hair growth in the start of use — this is because they don’t want you to know the reason as you will find the alternative which is much more effective.

Minoxidil was designed as a heart medicine before, now it is a hair loss one — very ineffective for long term use — and we do not reccomend you use it — but it was a heart medicine, because it expands vessels to prevent the patient to get a heart attack — if applied topically, it will enlargen (temporarily) the blood vessels in the scalp, and this is how you see the hair growth from this — but long term use of it, causes inflammation, and you eventually get hair loss again after spending so much — so better option? just do scalp massage!



Amanda Hayak

Blogging on Health topics, reviews and anything interesting really…