Maybe you should share your aspirations; Overcoming Self-doubt

Ofem Eunice
3 min readSep 15, 2023


I read a friend’s post on LinkedIn about “the unknown world of online opportunities”. She wrote about how people are unaware of the many opportunities on the internet and mentioned “sharing your aspirations” as a way you can find these opportunities.

It made me realize that most of the people I interact with are not open about their dreams, goals or aspirations for whatever reason. So, it got me thinking, why do people keep their aspirations private?

Now, speaking from experience, I’ve observed that one of the many reasons why people don’t share their aspirations is self-doubt.

Personally, I believe that for you to put your dreams out there, it means you possess some level of confidence in your ability to achieve them, especially when you’re aware of the possibility of people criticizing or discouraging you.

“Support in terms of guidance & mentorship”

You may prefer to keep your aspirations private for whatever reason, and that’s valid because making them public is a personal choice. However, you should know that there are benefits that come with letting people know what you desire to achieve, such as accountability, support in terms of guidance and mentorship from family and friends, feedback, clarity, and commitment, among others.

But then again, how does one even overcome self-doubt?

Look, I’m not an expert at this sort of stuff because I’m still dealing with my fair share of the “disease” (as I like to call it, lol), but I have a few suggestions worth considering.

“Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations”

The first step would be to replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strengths, past accomplishments (regardless of how small), and the skills you possess. You should be kind and understanding to yourself as you would to a friend. Remember that life isn’t always summer in the Bahamas. Challenges and mistakes are inevitable; it’s a normal part of life.

Surround yourself with supportive people. It’s an ego-booster when you have people rooting for you, trust me. Spend time with friends and family who believe in you and your abilities. Their encouragement and support can counteract self-doubt.

Break down your goals into milestones

Be realistic. Personally, I like to imagine the journey to my goal as a video game. These games usually have milestones before the big goal, and reaching these milestones gives you a sense of assurance that you’re going to hit the main goal someday. So, I have broken down my aspirations into smaller achievable steps because I have realized that achieving these smaller goals boosts my confidence and helps me prove to myself that I’m capable.

Build a growth mindset

Another thing I’m working on is building a growth mindset. This is important because instead of seeing failure as a confirmation of my limitations, I rather view it as an opportunity to learn and improve.

Your potential is not defined by self-doubt, and while it may be challenging to share your goals due to potential criticism or discouragement, it’s essential to remember that these are obstacles that can be overcome. Sharing your aspirations is a personal choice, and if you have valid reasons to keep them private, that’s entirely okay. The journey toward your goals is unique to you, and whether you choose to share or not, what matters most is your commitment to pursuing your dreams and the steps you take to achieve them. Stay focused, stay determined, and keep moving forward. Your potential knows no bounds. 🫵🏾



