Hi, I'm Chris. I'm a Writer, Fitness & Lifestyle Coach for the Over 40s, Dad-of-3 and Irishman.

I love helping men and women finally lose their stubborn belly & thigh fat, and get a body shape they're proud of, having neglected things while life got a bit crazy over the past couple of decades!

I write for the over-40s about simple, sustainable approaches to diet, workouts and healthier habits (sleep, stress, alcohol) that you can stick with for long enough to see progress, instead of yo-yoing between gung-ho projects and doing nothing.

With over 15 years experience of helping men and women 40+ to slim down, rebalance messed-up hormones, and add shape and tone to their arms, legs and torsos, I'm sure I can help you too, through my articles and my free Programs Vault that you can access right here www.offacoach.com/free

Medium member since November 2020
Friend of Medium since November 2023
Connect with Chris Davidson
Chris Davidson

Chris Davidson

Friend of Medium

Coach to out-of-shape Over-40s • Dad of 3 • Irishman • Writer • Video Course for Guys: www.offacoach.com/4wtta • Free Programs for all: www.offacoach.com/free