Sam Williams
1 min readFeb 18, 2017


There’s a difference between being upset that a player left your team and judging them for it. If Chris Pratt decided not to do the next Guardians of the Galaxy movie and they were only able to get Jaleel White to replace him, I would be upset. It would likely ruin a movie series that I very much enjoy. But I wouldn’t call Chris Pratt a bitch. I wouldn’t say he was a pussy for choosing to play Booster Gold in the Justice League movie instead. I wouldn’t take his decision personally because I’m a grown man and I realize that adults should be allowed to make their own career decisions without my approval. No one is saying OKC fans can’t be upset that Durant left. Basketball fans in general can mourn the loss of a team that was fun to watch. I certainly do. But acting like Durant is no longer a respectable human being because he made a career decision you don’t like is stupid and childish.

