The Curious Tale: Why the Snorgs Named Their Only Daughter Margarine

2 min readSep 8, 2024


The Snorgs were known for their eccentric ways, living in a small, offbeat village where the ordinary was often turned on its head.

So when they had their first and only child — a baby girl — the entire village eagerly awaited what whimsical name they would choose.

And true to form, they didn’t disappoint: they named her Margarine.

But why Margarine? Was it a family tradition? A tribute to something close to their hearts? The truth, like the Snorgs themselves, is quirky and unexpected.

A Love for the Ordinary

Unlike most parents who opt for names with deep meanings or historical significance, the Snorgs found beauty in the mundane. “Butter was too obvious,” Mr. Snorg explained with a twinkle in his eye. “Everyone expects butter to be the star, but Margarine? It’s the underdog of spreads.” To them, Margarine symbolized something overlooked but essential, quietly playing its role in daily life.

A Playful Sense of Humor

The Snorgs were also known for their humor. Mrs. Snorg once joked that she couldn’t believe how many “buttery” names had already been taken by other families in the village — names like Buttercup, Daisy, and even Olive. “We wanted something that would make people smile every time they heard it,” she said. And smile they did. Margarine quickly became a beloved name, not because it was traditional or elegant, but because it reflected the Snorgs’ lighthearted approach to life.

A Unique Identity

For the Snorgs, naming their daughter Margarine wasn’t just about being different — it was about celebrating individuality. They wanted their daughter to grow up with a name that was truly her own, one that stood out from the crowd. In their eyes, the name Margarine embodied that unique charm. “She’ll never blend in,” they said proudly. “She’ll be her own person, just like her name.”

Margarine Grows Into Her Name

As Margarine grew older, she embraced her unusual name with confidence. It became a conversation starter, and she delighted in the backstory her parents shared with her. Far from feeling odd, she took pride in her distinctive name, appreciating the blend of humor, love, and quirkiness that it carried.

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