Spiritual Meaning of the Infinity Symbol

Sabine Roiss
8 min readNov 23, 2020


What does the word ‘infinity’ mean? The word infinity is derived from the Latin word “infinite”, which means infinity and has no limit or end.

The Power of the Infinity Symbol

It has been highly valued for centuries, used for the protection and bringing of harmony and balance to opposite entities in many cultures

The symbol of infinity has a deep meaning for spirituality, love, beauty, and power. In a world filled with distraction and complications, the symbol of infinity represents a sense of simplicity and balance. It reminds us to be aware of where we are and what infinite possibilities, we have in front of us. The sign represents the immeasurable and the boundless.

The sign can stand for many different things, such as:

💕 Endless love — The infinity is forever, eternal love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime, and never let go till we’re gone. While the concept of infinity or truly forever cannot truly be grasped, it represents the desire for something to be everlasting, like a love or connection. With the two circles inter-connecting, each representing a side of the relationship, encompasses the idea of being ‘together forever’.

This is the reason many couples choose to wear the infinity symbol as an accessory or tattoo to express their love and connection.

💕 Eternity / time without end — Infinity Symbol also known as the forever symbol or eternity symbol, it is also becoming increasingly popular in jewellery design and tattoo art. Its effect is felt via the energetic field of our skin and throughout our innermost being.

💕 Harmony — It can also be extremely effective when used to restore harmony in problematic relationships, whether conflict lies within yourself or with others; in this respect, it teaches us a way of understanding how seemingly irreconcilable opposites can be reunited. It helps us to find a new perspective on apparently insoluble problems.

💕 Power of healing — The infinity symbol can also provide help with healing. By visualizing or drawing the lemniscate as a symbol, we can use it on any part of the body where balance and harmony are needed.

💕 Helps to make decision — The infinity symbol, a closed loop with no beginning and no end, can provide you with unlimited energy if you find yourself in a debilitating situation. It is also considered a powerful tool in kinesiology and is used to integrate the left and right halves of the brain, bringing harmony to a person as a whole, in mind, body, and spirit.

💕 Constant renewal / the circle of life Life comes from death and with destruction comes the creation of infinite cycles of renewal and vice versa.

💕 Balance and harmony (between man / woman, light / dark, etc.) — In a world full of distractions and complications, the symbol of infinity represents a sense of simplicity and balance.

The power of the infinity symbol can also be used to restore the connection between people harmoniously and to promote loving and peaceful relationships. Picture yourself in one of the two loops and the other person in the other loop. In your mind, keep tracing around the infinity sign that now links you together until you feel that everything has reached an equilibrium and any negative emotions or thoughts have been laid to rest again.

💕 Ultimate power — With infinity, we are reminded that there are no limits. There are infinite possibilities, but there are no limits to what we do or where we are.

💕 Unity of “everything” / connectedness — The infinity symbol spiritual meaning is about our spiritual growth. The lemniscate, as a symbol of infinity and eternity, opens another level of awareness in the symbol of infinite eternity, which helps us re-establish our lost unity with Creation and feel once again connected to the world.

💕 A number greater than the highest possible number — It’s shape reminds you of number 8. And number 8 in religious context is the number of the initiate — those who went through the seven stages of awakening and passed through the seven heavens. Also, the infinity spiritual meaning is associated with the power of resurrection and regeneration energy, symbolizing happiness and paradise. In the Chinese tradition, it stands for wealth and prosperity and is used in Feng-Shui to make living spaces harmonious.

Infinity seems like a simple concept, right? Yes and no. The symbol of infinity holds deep meaning to many cultures. It cannot be easily defined.

Some of the most popular variations of the infinity sign meaning in modern culture and fashion include:

Modern Infinity Symbol

Modern Infinity SymbolThis symbol has found a permanent place in jewelry. Infinity jewelry represents endless love or connection. The two interconnecting circles each represent one side of a relationship encompassing the idea of ‘together forever’. It represents more than everlasting love. It is also the symbol of eternity, balance, the ribbon, and love — all that the ancient symbol has always meant. The infinity necklace would be a way to celebrate a new life, making it richer and adding meaning to it.

Double infinity heart symbol

Double infinity heart symbol — With its harmonious shape, double infinity meanings also implies a beauty of balance or perfection. Because of such deep meaning, a double infinity necklace is a wonderful gift for anyone in your life, from a romantic partner to symbolizes an eternal bond between two people. To a daughter or dear friend whom you wish for nothing but the best on her journey. The two symbols are intertwined representing togetherness and commitment. Double infinity sign tattoo is also incredibly popular for the same reason, as it is an impossible doubling of what is already endless.

The infinity cross is a statement of faith
Infinity cross

Infinity cross — The infinity cross is a statement of faith. An infinity cross necklace is a reminder of your commitment to belief in God. The infinity cross represents The Eternal Being. Religious people will wear an infinity cross to show their love for God and the everlasting promise to their faith or religion.

The infinity symbol with a heart is an ultimate expression of affection. This love infinity symbol represents the unbreakable
Infinity heart

Infinity heartThe infinity symbol with a heart is an ultimate expression of affection. This love infinity symbol represents the unbreakable bond between lovers, friends, or family. ❤️ The infinity heart represents endless love. If given from one partner to another as a display of their love and commitment. The infinite heart is a popular gift for Valentine’s Day as a special reminder of your eternal love


These infinite sign meanings have formed throughout history.



There are varying historical accounts of the Infinity symbol from different parts of the world. In Tibet and India, it represents perfection and a balance between the male and female.


The Celts have the Celtic Knots, which are similar to the Infinity symbol — there is no beginning or end. To go further, the Double Infinity Symbol and the Celtic Knots are quite similar. Few people are aware that the Double Infinity Symbol depicts “double absoluteness.” There are several Celtic knots, with each knot having a different representation. But the fundamental meaning remains the same — the endless circle of life.


Greek philosophers and mathematicians had an ongoing argument about Infinity, with philosophers like Pythagoras and Plato arguing that all things in the world could be represented by a defined set of values or whole numbers. Their argument went on to say that ‘Good’ was also a measurable value and, thus, finite.


Another word for the Infinity Symbol is Lemniscates, which originates from the word “Lemniscatus”, a Latin word, meaning ‘ribbon.’ The idea comes from Ouroboros, which is an ancient image of a serpent or dragon biting its own tail. This ancient symbol depicts the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. There is a connection in this meaning, but it comes from a less than familiar place.


Gnosticism means ‘to have knowledge’. It is a set of beliefs, culture, systems, and religious ideas that come from early Christian and Jewish secs in the 1st century A.D. This belief saw the serpent biting its tail as a sign of eternity and the soul of the world. Put together, the Ouroboros was seen as having encompassed the world, completing the circle by biting its tail.


Hermeticism is related to Gnosticism as it is the pursuit of knowledge concerning spiritual mysteries. This movement is mostly based upon the writings of Hermes Trismegistus, a Greek God likened to Thoth, the Egyptian God of wisdom and magic.


Alchemy, as many people know, is a quest for turning lead to gold. But not many know that alchemy is more than creating gold nuggets. It is rooted in a belief that everything, including metals, contains a universal spirit. It believes that there is life in metals, and they grow inside Earth’s womb. This interconnectedness has an eternal unity. Alchemists desire to get out of the cycle of birth and death to an eternal destiny.

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All these beliefs have one thing in common — the desire for the infinite or to study and be a part of that which is without an end. So, how did the infinity symbol work its way into modern times?


The Infinity Symbol, as seen today, was discovered in 1655 by John Wallis, an English mathematician. It refers to an endless and boundless quantity in both physics and mathematics. This quantity is larger than any number.

Today, it is referred to as the ‘eighth dynamic’ by Scientologists — the eighth dynamic urging towards an infinite and eternal existence — the supreme being, embracing the endless capacity and wholeness of all.

The Infinity Symbol is all around us as it has been embraced in different spheres of life. Religion and fashion are two of the most important spheres in which this symbol is seen commonly.

Infinity Jewellery Set



Sabine Roiss

Hello, My name Sabine I’m 30 Years old and I’m passion about Jewellery, it gives every outfit an extra Accessoire and brilliance and makes you shine even more.