Composing an AI Glossary with AI, a Medium-Styled Self-Experiment in Time Investment (Updated 6/24)
An Experiment on How Quickly I Can Create an AI Glossary and an Article About Its Creation on Medium / AOI Explor-AI-tions and ExpAIriments #12 / (+.0) / Version 1.2 with additional minor stats update
17 min readNov 25, 2023
We present the results of an experiment from our Explor-AI-tions that we believe are worth sharing. Initially our primary goal was to create a glossary with the support of ChatGPT, as quickly as possible — this went very well. We then changed the focus, and the goal became to write a quick article about creating the glossary and to document the time it took to finish. However, from a lifetime perspective, this didn’t go as well. So have a good read, if we did not loose you already …