The New China

2 min readMay 22, 2019


For months, the trade war between USA and China has been full of tension.

Over the weekend, we ran a quick survey to just 10 Chinese clients who bought investment properties this year from agents listing on, and we found 9 of them support China’s counter-attack to also increase the tariffs for Americans.

“It’s time to tell Trump to F*** O** and don’t ever mess around with China again, thinking China can be squeezed like the old days,” says Mr Jing, a multi-millionaire migrant to Brighton, Melbourne, “Trump bans China’s 5G technology in the USA, and tries to force other countries to do it too, to him it’s similar to the sanctions on Iran, it’s just outrageous. Trump needs to realize that China is now a NEW China.”

“My friends in China who were originally thinking of buying properties in USA are now turning to Australia,” he added, “it’s too risky to invest or migrate to US when the USA-China relation is so unstable. Good luck to USA with their Korean and Japanese investors.”

Since 2nd half of 2018 when Trump “warned” China to uplift the tariffs, we have experienced a significant increase in traffic and enquiry.

Unlike other real estate portals, GiFang ONLY deal with Australian properties, and we help Chinese investors create the right legal structure in Australia before they invest, we help them transfer their money from China to Australia, and we help with their loan, effectively we are the only party that offers an END-TO-END solution to Chinese buyers.

We have in-house analysts who will help Chinese investors conduct brief due diligence and provide unbiased opinions. Our focus on just Australian property market makes it one of our unique strengths.

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