Cupago — Usability Testing Report

Ima Hapsari
4 min readJul 22, 2021



Background Problem

Going on a date seems like a fun activity for most people. Meeting up with loved one and doing fun activities together can be a way to unwind. But the following questions regarding the date, such as “where will we go?” or “what will we do?” often come up. Finally, dating is only limited to the same activity in the same place over and over again..

Objective from usability testing

a. Identifying user habit while determining places for dating

b. Identifying user obstruction while determining places for dating

c. Identifying user expectation while determining a destination

User Criteria

a. National based

b. Male and Female participant

c. Age between 18–37

Usability Testing Method

The user test practice uses qualitative methods (Moderated Remote) due to the pandemic. The user test was executed by Zoom with recording mode to see user’s expression.

Prototype Testing

a. Scenario 1:

The Indonesia Territory Restriction (PPKM) has been loosened up and you have free time to keep in touch with your significant other. What would you do through Cupago Application?

b. Task 1:

To use itinerary features in recommendation date

c. Scenario 2:

After you go on a date you would like to share your experiences. What would you do through Cupago Application?

d. Task 2:

To use write journal features

Journey Map Participant

Table of journey map


Table of Usability Testing Procedures


There is two questions will be discussed after the participant finish the two task scenarios:

1. Do you experience any difficulties while using the application?

2. Which feature do you find the most helpful?

The following depicts data when user did task scenario. Contains with duration which shows how long it takes for user to complete the task scenario, the obstacles encountered and the number of trial until the user is able to complete the task scenario.

Table of Task Scenario Testing

Based on the test results and emerging insights, they are summarized so that improvements can be made. The following is a summary of the existing results:

Summary of the existing result

a. Problem 1 :

The button post is to small, so the participant find difficulty and take a longer time to find the tombol

b. Solution 1:

Resizing the “post button” to make participant easier to find the button

c. Problem 2:

The colour choice on “Post” button which is grey, becomes a distraction for user. That button does not make the user to do the post action.

d. Solution 2:

Changing the colour to a brighter one so that user can see it clearer and promotes the click.

The following table show the detail about “Post” button being revised

Post Button being revised

Conclusion of Usability Testing

Within the process Usability Testing, the participant succeeded in completing the given task scenario. Of the four participants, they thought that the recommended ideas were interesting and helpful, with the itinerary and guide features in it.

The four participants also thought that having a journal feature to share their stories was something fun. In addition, participants also think that this application is quite helpful and has provided the features needed when deciding where to go. In addition, there are various inputs to add and improve this application with other features. Call it the addition of a real maps feature that shows the buildings around it.

The obstacle faced during the Usability Testing was that two participants had poor network connections, so that it interfered with communication a bit due to delayed voice. The second obstacle faced is the participant’s unwillingness to be recorded, but this can be resolved if the recorded video is not disseminated.

