5 Reasons Why Did Orochimaru Turned Good

Epic Anime Blog
4 min readSep 29, 2021


5 Reasons Why Did Orochimaru Turned Good

29–09–21 by EpicAnimeBlog.com

There are many reasons why Orochimaru turned good. Some of them are that Naruto beat him, he felt guilt for all the evil things he did, and his master Jiraiya’s death. He also wanted to leave Konoha because they never accepted him as one of their own.

In this blog post, We will discuss 5 reasons why Orochimaru turned good!

Table Of Contents

1) Naruto beat Orochimaru

2) Orochimaru felt guilty for all the evil things he did

3) Orochimaru wanted to leave Konoha because they never accepted him as one of their own.

4) Orochimaru’s comrade Jiraiya’s death

5) Orochimaru experiment on the Konoha shinobi

6) Conclusion

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Naruto Beat Orochimaru

Orochimaru being beaten by Naruto was a very important factor in his change of heart. Orochimaru felt humiliated and embarrassed, an emotion that he had not experienced before.

This is one of the reasons why Orochimaru wanted Naruto to come to find him so he could kill him, as revenge for beating him. He also wanted to prove to himself that he was stronger than Naruto.

Orochimaru Felt Guilty For All The Evil Things He Did

If you’re not sure if a rational or irrational belief causes your procrastination, keep working on changing your behaviors to see if there are any changes in your procrastination. Keep trying different things until you find something that works.

Orochimaru had a change of heart after he found out that Sasuke tried to kill him. He felt guilty for all the bad things he did, and his master’s death was also one of the reasons why Orochimaru turned good.

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Orochimaru Wanted To Leave Konoha Because They Never Accepted Him As One Of Their Own.

Some people think that it’s bad to leave your friends and family behind when you’re in a new place by yourself, but there are many benefits such as learning how to be independent and finding out who you are without the influence of others.

Orochimaru wanted to leave Konoha because they never accepted him as one of their own, but he wasn’t happy in Iwagakure either since people were too scared of his abilities and treated him like a monster. So if you are tired or unhappy with your current job, it might be time for a career change!

Orochimaru’s Comrade Jiraiya’s Death

Jiraya was a big part of Orochimaru’s life, and when he died, it made him realize that you can’t take things for granted because they could be taken away from you at any moment.

Orochimaru turned good after his friend Jirayia’s Death! If someone close to you has recently passed away, it’s important to take care of yourself and not neglect your health. You’ll need a support system around you when going through this difficult time!

Orochimaru Experiment On The Konoha Shinobi

Orochimaru’s experiments on his fellow shinobi from Konohagakure were one of the reasons why he turned good. Furthermore, the loss and damage that Orochimaru caused to others made him realize how much pain he had inflicted upon so many people throughout his life, which is a big part of why Orochimaru turned good.

Orochimaru’s experiment on the Konoha shinobi is one of the reasons why he changed his ways! If you’re having trouble dealing with guilt, it might help to talk about your feelings with someone who will listen and not judge you for what happened.

If you think that helping others will make you feel better about yourself, volunteer or take on pro-bono work in your community.


In the end, many factors contribute to a person’s decision to change their ways. By recognizing the factors contributing to your procrastination, you can learn how to identify and break down these barriers so they won’t hold you back anymore!

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! If any of my readers have any questions about this topic, feel free to leave a comment below!



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