How to Fix Decreasing Battery While Charging iPhone?

4 min readAug 3, 2023


Are you frustrated with your iPhone’s battery draining while it’s still connected to the charger? It can be exasperating to see your phone’s battery percentage decrease instead of increasing during charging. But fret not!

In this article, we will explore some simple and effective solutions to fix the decreasing battery issue while charging your iPhone.

Whether you own an iPhone 6 or the latest model, these tips will help you optimize your battery life and improve charging efficiency.

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Common Reasons for Decreasing Battery Life

Before diving into the solutions, let’s understand some common reasons that can cause your iPhone’s battery to drain while charging. These reasons include:

  • Background Apps: Certain apps continue running in the background, consuming power even during charging.
  • Faulty Charging Cable: A damaged or non-genuine charging cable can lead to power loss during charging.
  • High Brightness and Volume: Keeping your screen brightness and volume at maximum can put extra strain on the battery.
  • Multitasking: Running multiple apps simultaneously can increase power consumption.
  • Software Bugs: Software glitches may cause battery drainage during charging.

Is it Normal for iPhone Battery to Drain While Charging?

It’s not unusual for the iPhone battery percentage to fluctuate slightly during charging. Factors like temperature, battery health, and running apps can cause these fluctuations. However, if the battery percentage consistently decreases despite following proper charging practices, it might indicate an issue that needs to be addressed.

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Tips to Improve iPhone Charging Efficiency

To optimize your iPhone’s battery life and ensure efficient charging, consider the following tips:

  • Close Background Apps: Double-press the home button and swipe up on the apps to close them.
  • Use Airplane Mode: Enable Airplane Mode to disable unnecessary wireless connections.
  • Lower Brightness and Volume: Reduce screen brightness and lower volume to save power.
  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Charging your iPhone in extreme temperatures can harm the battery.
  • Update iOS: Keep your iPhone’s operating system up to date to fix potential software bugs.
  • Use Low Power Mode: Activate Low Power Mode to limit background processes and extend battery life.
  • Enable Optimized Battery Charging: This feature helps slow down battery aging by reducing the time your iPhone spends fully charged.

Avoiding Overheating Issues During Charging

Overheating can adversely affect your iPhone’s battery life. To prevent overheating during charging, consider these steps:

  • Remove iPhone Case: Take off the phone case while charging to prevent excess heat accumulation.
  • Charge in a Cool Place: Avoid charging in direct sunlight or hot environments.
  • Pause Intensive Tasks: Avoid using demanding apps or playing games while charging.
  • Turn Off Fast Charging: Fast charging generates more heat, so consider using standard charging if heat is an issue.

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How to Identify a Faulty Battery

If you suspect that your iPhone’s battery is faulty, look out for these signs:

  • Rapid Battery Drainage: The battery percentage drops unusually fast during regular use.
  • Sudden Shutdowns: Your iPhone shuts down even when the battery level indicates it has charge left.
  • Delayed Charging: The battery takes significantly longer to reach 100% during charging.

If you encounter any of these issues, it’s advisable to have your battery checked and replaced by an authorized service center.

Battery Maintenance and Calibration

To ensure your iPhone’s battery remains healthy, follow these maintenance tips:

  • Regularly Charge: Charge your iPhone regularly rather than letting it completely drain.
  • Avoid Full Discharge: Avoid letting the battery drop to 0% frequently.
  • Calibration: Occasionally, calibrate the battery by fully charging and then fully discharging it.

External Factors Affecting Charging Efficiency

Various external factors can influence charging efficiency. For instance:

  • Cable Quality: The quality and condition of the charging cable affect charging speed.
  • Power Source: Charging from a computer might be slower than using a wall adapter.
  • Power Fluctuations: Unstable power supply can lead to slower charging.
  • Battery Age: Older batteries may not charge as efficiently as new ones.


Q1: Why is my iPhone battery draining while charging?

A1: Several factors can cause this, such as background apps, a faulty charging cable, or software bugs.

Q2: Should I charge my iPhone overnight?

A2: Modern iPhones are designed to stop charging when the battery is full, so charging overnight is generally safe.

Q3: How do I optimize my iPhone’s battery life?

A3: Close background apps, use genuine chargers, and adjust settings like brightness and location services.

Q4: Can I use non-Apple chargers occasionally?

A4: While it’s not recommended, occasional use is unlikely to cause significant damage.

Q5: How often should I update my iPhone’s software?

A5: Regular updates are essential for improved performance, security, and battery life. Check for updates regularly and install them promptly.


By following these tips, you can improve your iPhone’s battery life and fix the decreasing battery issue while charging.

Remember to close background apps, use genuine chargers, avoid overheating, and optimize your settings for better battery efficiency.

Keep your software up to date and dispel battery charging myths to ensure your iPhone stays charged when you need it the most.

