How to Pause Location on Find My iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide

3 min readJul 18, 2023


Find My iPhone is a powerful feature provided by Apple that allows you to track the location of your iPhone or other Apple devices.

However, there may be situations where you want to temporarily pause the location tracking for privacy or other reasons.

In this article, we will guide you through the steps to pause location on Find My iPhone, ensuring your device’s whereabouts remain private when needed.

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Why Would You Want to Pause Location on Find My iPhone?

Pausing the location on Find My iPhone can be beneficial in various scenarios. Here are a few common reasons why you might want to pause the location tracking:

  1. Privacy: Pausing the location ensures your device’s whereabouts are not accessible to others when you don’t want to be tracked.
  2. Battery Saving: When the location tracking is paused, it helps conserve battery life as the device doesn’t continuously update its location.
  3. Personal Safety: In certain situations, such as when traveling to unfamiliar places, pausing the location can provide an extra layer of security.

How to Pause Location on Find My iPhone?

Step 1: Open the Find My iPhone App

To begin, locate and open the Find My iPhone app on your iPhone or any other Apple device with the app installed.

Step 2: Select the Device

Once the app is open, you will see a list of your devices associated with your Apple ID. Choose the device for which you want to pause the location tracking.

Step 3: Tap on “Actions”

On the device’s information screen, you will find various options related to managing your device. Tap on the “Actions” button to proceed.

Step 4: Choose “Pause Location”

From the available actions, select the option labeled “Pause Location.” This action will temporarily stop the device from updating its location on Find My iPhone.

Step 5: Confirm the Action

After selecting “Pause Location,” you will be prompted to confirm the action. Verify that you want to pause the location tracking and proceed with the confirmation.

Congratulations! You have successfully paused the location on Find My iPhone for the selected device. Remember that this action is temporary, and the location tracking will resume after a specific duration or when manually re-enabled.

Now, let’s address some frequently asked questions to provide further clarity.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still locate my device when the location is paused?

No, when you pause the location on Find My iPhone, the device’s location will not be updated on the app or iCloud. However, you can still perform other actions, such as playing a sound or locking the device remotely.

How long can I pause the location on Find My iPhone?

The duration for which you can pause the location on Find My iPhone varies. You can choose to pause it for an hour, until the end of the day, or until you manually resume the location tracking.

Will pausing the location affect other Find My iPhone features?

Pausing the location on Find My iPhone only affects the location tracking feature. Other Find My iPhone features, such as playing a sound, locking the device, or erasing its data, will remain functional.


Pausing the location on Find My iPhone is a useful feature when you want to maintain your privacy or save battery life.

By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can easily pause the location tracking for your device.

Remember to consider your specific needs and situation when deciding to pause or resume the location tracking.

