What are the 7 Best uses for Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality software development?

7 min readJul 17, 2019
Augmented reality used in retail. | Chetu, Inc.

Augmented reality (AR) technology has been around since 1968. It was introduced by American computer scientist Ivan Sutherland as a helmet device that was suspended from the ceiling and moved with large robotic arms.

Virtual reality (VR) is a fully immersive platform that allows a user seeing through a device the ability to experience a created or virtual world.

Virtual reality environment total immersion used in gaming. | Chetu, Inc.

Mixed reality (MR) is a mix of both augmented reality and virtual reality. Today, multiple industries use AR and VR technologies to complete important tasks.

Architects review layout for a city using mixed reality. | Chetu, Inc.

Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality are for more than just fun and games.

The USES of AR, VR, and MR.

There are several reasons that AR, VR, and MR have become sought after development of technology.

Reality software creates great marketing tools of intangible goods and services in today’s world.

The versatility is a good reason augmented reality & virtual reality software development is on the rise.

AR, VR and MR are tools that provide multiple industries with avenues to re-purpose 3D technologies. They tools make for engaging software development.

Mixed reality focus the end users attention to the information being provided while having a real-world experience.

3D virtual environments are developed to present fully immersive experiences using scalable life-like dimensions.

The educational industry favors augmented reality (AR) development. AR influences pre-school children to adults in college and is found in the workforce.

The military and aerospace industries have used AR technology since the 90’s. They are also effective because of how realistic and stunning the images in virtual worlds are today.

In the past, virtual reality was seen as a novelty that was only suitable for gaming. However, in the present there is seemingly no limit to the potential for these tools.

Just as the popularity of early books and novels compelled, influenced, and inspired change; so does the use of VR technologies.

The Top 7 Uses of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality Software Development.

  1. Architecture & Designs Software Applications.
Render of architecture using mixed reality software. | Chetu, Inc.

Architecture and Design firms often utilize augmented reality and mixed reality to provide 3D project scales and rendering to size. Engineers use AR renditions of project designs as visual examples for their final products. VR allows them the ability to show clients a building they have created to scale.

2. Engineering & Construction Models Apps.

Virtual environment used as a showroom for real-estate. | Chetu, Inc.

Construction developers use AR technology to help their workers see what they are building before it is built. Architects use VR today to show homes and buildings all over the world. Architects and engineers have the ability to create models for clients to experience the environment prior to development.

3. Mixed Reality Simulation Methods for Training

Simulation environment for training and development using mixed reality. | Chetu, Inc.

The simulation method simulate dangerous job site conditions to provide risk management. Mixed reality simulations allow individuals the ability to hone skills and provides rigorous training by simulation safely.

4. AR and VR Educational Software Development.

Teacher and grade school students learn math using mixed reality. | Chetu, Inc.

Grade schools use VR tools such as software built into headsets to give the user the ability to create environments. Engaging content inspire students in 3D virtual environments. Medical student are able to perform mock surgeries using virtual reality. Doctors and surgeon perform live examination with augmented reality using projectors and eye wear. The visual experience provides engaging training to both the young and old.

5. Healthcare, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality Development.

Doctor reviewing mixed reality image rendering for patient at hospital. | Chetu, Inc.

In the modern world of healthcare, augmented reality is a primary technology used in developmental learning. Today’s scientists, doctors, and inventors are currently looking to implement AR in several areas of Medicine. These areas include: disease prevention, treatment or improvement, diagnosis, health maintenance, and health awareness. Mixed reality systems are utilized by medical students to explore and study the body using detailed maps and area specific images and information.

6. AR/VR Gaming Development.

Two people engaging in a competitive VR game. | Chetu, Inc.

Major technology companies have invested heavily into VR and AR products and services. The top 3 HTCVive, Oculus Rift, and GearVR are the most popular eye wear devices and platforms for ar/vr gaming. VR gaming allows the player to become a part of the game. This gives gamers an additional level of depth and realism that is unique by providing an immersive experience.

7. VR Movie Immersion Development.

A man sits in suspense while watching a move using VR headsets. | Chetu, Inc.

Virtual Reality software development in film and entertainment is in high demand. It is no longer a technology that is available at local movie theaters. 3D VR movies create immersive experiences anywhere the watcher is interested in seeing a film. VisionaryVR create technologies specifically designed to capture and edit media. VR movies give the viewers the feeling of becoming part of the story they watch. They also allow the creators to tell the stories from a different perspective.

When to Incorporate VR, AR, and/or MR Tools?

One main factor in deciding to develop reality-based solutions for a business or brand is the ability to provide a hands-on life-like experience when it isn’t possible. Therefore, one can achieve the un-achievable.

VR-MR-AR provide brand with decision making marketing tools. | Chetu, Inc.

Brand know the importance of utilizing a visual product in sales demonstrations.

For example, a small tourism business may want to offer their clients a simulated environment of a popular attraction.

Using a reality based technology will provide details and aid in gaining the interests of potential clients. The brand can offer VR apps to display destinations in 3D using a reality head device or eye wear.

Industries that require complex job training in the real world can easily be adapted into virtual reality.

Reality technologies are intriguing additions to incorporate into large conventions, venues and events. It captures audience’s attentions out of pure curiosity.

Developers currently use AR to guide people to and from locations a useful tool in hospitals, airports, and large outdoor events.

Organizations can also use this technology to strengthen their company culture thru workshops and empathy training for employees.

There are custom software development companies such as Chetu, Inc., a global organization that specialize in AR, VR, and MR development.

Medical professionals monitor a patients heart rate using augmented reality. | Chetu, Inc.

They can create software and applications for 360 degree media equipment, business training and presentations using virtual systems, augmented reality and mixed platforms.

Experience is the deciding factor in software development.

Chetu, Inc. is able to create desired virtual reality designs, custom products and services to get the attention businesses want from reality-based software development.

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