Standards and rules

Coffe official
3 min readNov 19, 2018


The most important achievement of mankind for today, it is the freedom of expression of self to the moment, while it does not harm the other individuals.

For many people today, probably for 99% of the participants of the crypto movement, the new technology is just a way to earn money. For this you can not blame the people or make a claim. Any startup is a grain, and the strength of its growth depends on the soil, on the care, watering, careful hands of people who create something out of nothing, as a tree grows from a small seed.

With the appearance of blockchain, the startup’s path has become much shorter, from its ideological component to the final product. There is no need to pester the large companies, venture funds and banks.

The idea is the most valuable thing that can move forward the humanity. Any the most complex invention, the greatest achievement of mankind, began with an idea. With one small, usually simple, but correctly applied idea simplifies the lives of thousands of people, changes the complex production processes, bringing hundreds of millions of dollars in savings. With one idea, you can quickly turn from an ordinary guy or girl to the Manager of a large company.

But is everything as simple as we would like to be?

Today, in order to conduct a simple ICO, you need to have a large capital in addition to the idea. Advertising costs a lot of money. Without influential people in the crypto industry, it will be difficult for you to find support. Documentation, legal issues, marketing … and after a beautiful start, we usually see a long and protracted fall, cooling the enthusiasm of the community.

So, we went back to the start, with the only difference that now the “quality” of the idea depends on some people, not always objective, not always professional, but well-known and respected in certain circles. They broadcast from the high tribunes or from various public sources about the prospects of an idea without investing anything in it. On the contrary, they receive from each project they support the payment, in accordance with their own tariffs.

We think this is fundamentally unfair. As a result of the current corrupt practice, the top startups are mostly fraudulent, ICO scams. Since unlike the real working teams, they do not need to spend money on the product, only on marketing, only on the payment for the services of opinion leaders of the crypto industry, nothing more.

A blank sheet of paper, a pen, a thought — a brilliant idea. Don’t need anything else to become famous, influential and rich. The rest takes care the system.

Evaluation of idea by community

If you think that this Idea is interesting, promising and profitable — invest in it part of your own capital, support it. It’s basic.

If the community believes that the Idea is promising, it should evaluate it by investing funds in it. There is nothing easier — to invite the developers and estimate the cost of its development. Invite copywriters, designers, economists and lawyers to create a description of the idea — White Paper. If necessary, you can hire a professional Manager who will gather a team and give a start to the development.

Create a product spending as much money as it costs. The idea must have the author and copyright. The idea should be seen by the community. Investments should be attracted gradually, when they are necessary, as the idea grows in a quality product.

Then your investment tree will grow and develop harmoniously. And the value of the initial investment will not depreciate. The idea should be useful to society, it should have an economic effect that is, the potential profit, and most importantly — the common sense.

The community consisting of investors, designers, financiers, developers, analysts will be interested in the growth of their investments, not in their devaluation.

COFFE integrates into their own ecosystem the mechanisms for the protection of copyright on the Idea, objective expert evaluation of Ideas, financing mechanisms and the protection of investors. This is a whole complex of software and hardware solutions that eliminates one of the main problems of the cryptocurrency market — the lack of control. This market does not need the regulators, we create an effective self-regulated system.

