What is Beme? And why should I care?

Mayank Gupta
3 min readMay 3, 2016

Today Beme finally released their app on Android, completing what I like to call, ‘the mobile circle’, whereby their app becomes accessible to 96.8% of smartphone users after being released on both Android and IOS. It also officially launched as update 1.0, exiting beta on IOS.

If you don’t know what Beme is already, it is a social medium that allows you to send video clips to your followers. However, the one caveat is that you cannot see what you are filming while recording. The goal here is to be able to share an “unfiltered and personal experience”.

Is Beme just a stale Snapchat clone? Do people really want to be truthful on social media and show their life exactly how it is? I have seen a lot of people recently refer to Beme as a Snapchat copy and mention that it’s an insufficient app to add to the very growing collection of things to check on an hourly basis: “Most people lead fairly average boring lives. 75% of our time is spent on doing things like shopping, work, exercise, eating. Beme is only good for watching people that lead really interesting and cool lives, and you have to be dependent on those people actually using beme.”. When I hear these things, it only brings back memories of old apps I have used such as Yik-Yak and YO that I promptly discarded once the novelty wore off.

Why do I think it is important? Well, in our day and age of filters and powerful editing tools, it is rare to come across a honest or raw medium. I think this is where the appeal comes from, and also how so many people can be included. The app enables you to view life directly as another person, everyone is equal regardless of their editing abilities and simply living life in a new place or experiencing new things can make you an interesting Beme user.

Casey Neistat — Co-Founder of Beme

In this way Beme challenges an individual to make something of their day — rather than lounging around enjoying an afternoon of nothing. Maybe go out for an afternoon hike, primarily to photograph the experience. However, when one goes to a beautiful location, and spends 25 minutes trying to take an ideal picture, come up with a perfect caption, the experience, the memory is lost in a sea of social conformity. Beme gets you on that hike, then when it comes to sharing, it takes 15 seconds to Beme the experience, before putting the phone away, and enjoying it.
Modern social media has a ‘social acceptance wall’ between you, and the people who you want to share with. Beme allows one to be out, and enjoy experience for what it is. Rather than focus on likes, followers and opinions.

Similarly, “Snapchat could release Beme as an update,” there is nothing wrong about that statement. But it would not be the focus, people will still focus on making the perfect snap rather than enjoying the experience. Beme, is arguably the first social media tool, that focuses on the experience.

Kevin Spacey speaking about Beme

You have to use your eyes and take it all in and engage in actual, real life. — Kevin Spacey

So download it, experience it for yourself, tell me what you think. Follow me at ‘officialgupta’

Android. IOS.

